Slaked/hydrated like to reduce Marek’s in dirt?


May 8, 2021
Hello, I’ve been considering using hydrated or slaked lime to help reduce the amount of viral load in my chicken run. I recently lost a hen to Marek‘s disease. I was thinking that I’d remove the top layer of dirt, put down the line, and then add new topsoil. But I’m concerned that the hydrated lime will burn the chickens feet and skin after reading various blogs. What do you think and what would you do to reduce the viral load in the coop to be able to add more chicks? Thank you!
Yes Mareks was confirmed by necropsy at UC Davis. I have three living one-year-old hens, none of which are showing any signs, though one has not started laying again since winter. I ordered seven new chicks to arrive in Sept so I’m hoping that multiple deep cleans of the coop and run will kill a lot of the virus.

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