Slipped tendon that turned to twisted tibia/my treatment

I would be happy if he just limps but can get around. I don't need a 100% outcome as long as he isn't in pain. I don't have a photo, but will get one tonight and post it. I read this thread quickly but I'll read it again and study it closely. I only have three peas and really really really don't want to put this one down if there's a chance. I'm encouraged now! Thank you!

Did you see the photos of my TT guy? He's almost 4 years old. He's permanently lame, but I'm glad I didn't put him down. He walks with a severe limp, but he gets around, comes in and out of the coop, eats with the other birds, chases tidbits & treats, and stomps around displaying his train.
He can fly, but tends not to, because of the landings. He can't roost, but he sleeps in the pine shavings below the roost or near it, and he is part of the gang.
I worried for a long time that when he started getting a full train, it would be too much weight and be too cumbersome. But he's doing okay with it.
I also meant to update this page, did it on wrong thread.

Answer still limps but he gets around well, can roost, jump, and launch himself which impossible before. I do think if I would have continued the taping I could have fixed it probably 100 percent. (Got interrupted due to hospital stay)

His leg goes off a little but not too shabby!!!




Just thought I would update, thank so much dylansmom, you gave me hope through all this.

Anyhow yesterday I was out thinking I hadnt seen my baby gimping so badly and wondered what happened to him. Got to watching him carefully and his limp is barely noticeable if he is feeling good! Cold makes it a bit worse but otherwise fantastic results for what most say is a death sentence.
Not the best pic but look at his legs! :)

Thank you so much for this. This helped me identify what was going on with my guinea. I came up with this treatment. crossing fingers!


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