SLW chick


Mar 29, 2018
South Western Idaho
I have two SLW Wyandotte chicks from the same clutch. This one pictured has developed much slower than the other (had no tail forever), and is starting to get a dark pink comb. I'm afraid it might be a roo. It's about 3 wks old
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Looks like you are correct... that's a huge comb for the stated age. :hmm

I used to ALWAYS know that the NO tail ones were boys... until this most recent batch of Speckled Sussex with hugely varied feather growth rates. But I guess for SOME breeds/lines... it is a REAL indicator. :pop
Looks like you are correct... that's a huge comb for the stated age. :hmm

I used to ALWAYS know that the NO tail ones were boys... until this most recent batch of Speckled Sussex with hugely varied feather growth rates. But I guess for SOME breeds/lines... it is a REAL indicator. :pop

Damn.. this is terrible, because I can't have roosters where I live. I'm going to have to rehome him. :(
Thanks all for your advice! I'm gonna hang onto him/her for a while longer to be sure.
Most my boys don't start mating until at least 8 weeks but usually 10-15. So you have a bit before the drama starts.

But I would DEFINITELY start making your plans now! :hmm

If I raised that breed... I would LOVE to have a boy that showed gender that young in my line. :)

Good luck finding a home. Many people DO! :fl

Note.. Wyandottes are tasty meat birds. :drool

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