Small Air cells on day 18 with an internal pip! Anything i can do?


Jul 6, 2018
So I use a dry method in my incubator for the first 18 days and did that as usual. This time I have different breeds with some large eggs like EE's and Austrolorps and small eggs like Ayam Cemani. All the big eggs have nice big air cells but the small eggs seem to have REALLY small air cells. They look like the others did at day 10. One of the EE's has internally pipped and is chirping so like it or not my humidity is now upped for the hatch. I was wondering if there was anything I could do like positioning to help my eggs with the smaller air cells not to drown. Also, has anyone else done a mixed hatch with large and small breed eggs and had this? Am I worried for nothing? Thanks
Hi. :frow

I mixed my hatches all the time last year. Maybe not ideal, but successful.

How dry was your dry hatch? Was your equipment calibrated at all?

Some people who are hatching shipped eggs with floating air cells, or those who had their humidity too high during incubation will hatch upright in an egg carton. There are risks associated like if they pip the wrong end you might not see. But you can research that, upright hatching.

Quite honestly, the air cells still draw down quite a bit after day 18 lock down. Thing is if you got an internal pip on day 18, maybe your equipment was NOT accurate. However, there can be hot or cool spots even in forced air bators so it is important to move the eggs around inside to a new location every day or two to help ensure even development and keep your hatch frame tight.

When I candle for lock down is the only time I trace my air sacks... to make sure if there is any low point, that is facing upwards when I lay them down.

I wouldn't go as far as to say worried for nothing... but I will say it is what it is... and you will have this experience to draw on in the future. How high is your humidity now and how many eggs in there?

Hope your hatch is awesome!

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