Small chick recovered from runny eye, first egg today :)

Thanks again, you two! She's still slightly smaller than her sister, but nearly indistinguishable now. Ironically, I think the leghorn roo has a bit of a crush on her! The neighbor thinks they're cute and wonders if they'll "make babies". Cute, sure, but no crowing yet so maybe she'll change her mind! Hehe
I'm so glad it was just a bad case of pinkeye! Ironically, I'm dealing with that right now...would you believe my kid's friend had it and GAVE IT TO THE CHICK??!??!?

Sheesh...Cipro drops, here I come!
Omg I didn't know that could happen!
Yeah- it goes around a lot when there are toddlers involved- and I have teens that babysit as do their friends. That's how I knew you needed the Ciprofloxacin!

I keep a bottle on hand, but there are other drops that can be used. Vetericyn has a gel, too, at the feed store, but it's got to be used several times a day, and isn't nearly as effective as prescription meds, or rather, not as quickly.

Cattle get pinkeye, too- it's just a common bacteria.

Yeah- it goes around a lot when there are toddlers involved- and I have teens that babysit as do their friends. That's how I knew you needed the Ciprofloxacin!

I keep a bottle on hand, but there are other drops that can be used. Vetericyn has a gel, too, at the feed store, but it's got to be used several times a day, and isn't nearly as effective as prescription meds, or rather, not as quickly.

Cattle get pinkeye, too- it's just a common bacteria.


Yeah- it goes around a lot when there are toddlers involved- and I have teens that babysit as do their friends. That's how I knew you needed the Ciprofloxacin!

I keep a bottle on hand, but there are other drops that can be used. Vetericyn has a gel, too, at the feed store, but it's got to be used several times a day, and isn't nearly as effective as prescription meds, or rather, not as quickly.

Cattle get pinkeye, too- it's just a common bacteria.


Totally. Thanks again for the clarification and suggestion.

It actually worked for the kitten, too!!! My folks just introduced the two to their older ones and so far so good.

I'm also starting to really believe that Vetericyn (topical spray) works on a variety of things. Get this-- my DB got a pretty bad sunburn last weekend when we were at the beach. He's fair-skinned, and it always sneaks up on him (develops after exposure, usually). He ALWAYS peels. A combo of raw aloe plant (juiced) and several sprays of Vetericyn, and it's gone away. Seriously! No peeling, and it's just a slightly darker beige now. He was laughing at me spraying him though!
Now THIS is weird. I lost a ring in the yard last summer, out under the pepper trees. I set it (I thought) in the crotch of a branch while we were clearing some of the overgrowth. Forgot about it until the next day, and it was nowhere to be seen. Searched and searched, eventually and sadly resigning.

As y'all know, we built the coop there this last April. My flock has been in the run under the trees for over 2 months, and it's been raked out several times.

WELL, this morning when I went to retrieve their breakfast plate, Small Chick was running around making the excited chirp they usually do when they've got meat or a bug. When she dropped her haul to peck it, I noticed she had found my ring!


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