small eggs with no yolks?? common??


6 Years
Nov 5, 2013
I have recently found four small eggs on two separate occasions while the other three or four eggs were large. Inside of the egg was no yolk.The eggs were about 1/4 for the size it should have been. Is this common?

As you can see, you've come to the right place for answers. Thanks for providing the opportunity for me to broaden my chicken jargon/terminology....Fart Egg has been duly committed to memory.
I wouldn't say that its "common", but it does happen. It happens especially frequently when the birds are either new to laying, or are old hens. It probably isn't anything to worry about-- just a fluke in the hen's reproductive tract.
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Hello :frow and Welcome to BYC! People usually call them wind or fart eggs. X2 They are usually just a glitch in the egg laying system with young layers. In a older birds sometimes a bit of tissue fools the hens repo track into treating it like a yolk and add the albumen, membranes, a shell.

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