
Feb 23, 2019
we have a small backyard flock of 3 hens ( we started with 5 but 2 turned out to be roosters and had to be re-homed), since losing our last male, our EE hen has become very noisy! If she senses any activity outside the coop she immediately starts in with a pterodactyl like screech. Our other hens are an Orpington and a Barred Rock and they make softer, clucking noises. Can anyone tell me if this is an EE thing or just an individual bird thing? I love this gal but she is loud! I need to know so when we add to our flock next year we can look for quieter breeds.
She could be acting rooster-like from a dominant/protective standpoint since there isn’t a male. Also, her personality could just be noisier. Our EE are quiet, but we have a rooster. We have Legbars that are noisier (screech a lot), even though we have a rooster. Often they quiet down as they get older too.
I've never heard of EEs being especially loud. If you're trying to avoid the more "vocal" breeds, steer clear of RIRs. ;)
Ah yes! One of our original five girls that turned out to be a roo was a RIR. He was very loud! Which breeds are known for being a little bit quieter?
I have several breeds of chickens. I don't know if they get louder with age (haven't hit true puberty yet), but they're all very quiet for the most part (including my RIR cockerel). My lead cockerel is a Silver Spangled Hamburg. He'll crows like 3 times in quick succession in the morning (somewhere in the 7 - 8 am range), but that's about it (unless he thinks there is something dangerous around). None of the other boys (7 or 8 of them) make a peep. The girls are pretty much silent as well. Some of them make specific noises when I pick them up, and some talk while I'm holding them, but nothing crazy. My girls are a silver spangled hamburg, australorp, silver phoenix, silkie broiler and barred holland.

Disclaimer: I do not recommend keeping this many boys. A lot of these are going to have to go eventually.

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