small hens not growing

I do feed them layers pellet and oystershell
grit but the dont like oystershell That much
so they dont really eat it
The layer pellets have the calcium in them. You should really only offer the oyster shells if they are eating an all flock or grower feed AND they are laying eggs. They will lay eggs with shells like sand paper if they are getting too much calcium. I agree with the other posters - your chicks may not have had the nourishment they needed to grow properly. Still, small chickens lay eggs too! So, keep feeding them well and they'll lay plenty of eggs for you.
Yes they have layed lots of egg
recently I have been keeping them healtHy
and the past week they havent got a shelles or soft eggs or even
egg stuck problems but the havent really layed Any eggs
can any one tell me something I could buy for them that is
nutritional like oyster but something my chickens would like
thank you

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