Small open coop is done

well all my birds come inside for winter, but I dont know about the door. Yea its for safety(even though I know they are ok) but idk what to do without killing the look of the coop. I dont have tools, the way I built it was at woodshop class at my highschool. I already graduated too. I dont know I would have to think about how to do it,if i decide to
Get the measurements of the space ..... height and width.
Take the measurements to Lowes and Home Depot to the Lumber aisle. Ask the attendant to cut a piece of cheap plywood to those measurements.

Buy a pair of hinges and go home and screw it on the front of the coop with the hinges.

If you want to dress it up more they also have fancy hinges

They are just as easy to use. All you do is screw them on. Screw one end to the corner of the wall and the other end to the door.

Then get a latch and screw that on too.

As far as tools, all you will need is a screw driver to screw on the hinges and the latch.
You could later paint it if you want. Then you don't have to take them indoors in the winter.
It will be easy. Good luck
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In Chicago... I'd still probably take them in... unless you put in a small heat source....

Lived in Milwaukee, been there, done that, shoveled the snow in below zero weather.

Nice coop

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