Small, Quiet, and Good Egg Layers?

Sadness Child

Jun 16, 2019
ABQ, New Mexico
Are there any ducks that do well in confinement, but are quiet, and lay around 200 eggs per year? I am in New Mexico. The area I WANT to keep them in is a 40' by 17' run area. They will be kept with 1 rooster and 7 hens, so it will be basically all dirt, I will have a baby pool full of water for them at all times, and they will be feed All Flock. I am looking to get 2-3 of the ducks that meet the above criteria, I also do not really want a drake, but I will get one if they need one.
if you only want 2-3 ducks do not get a drake, he will overmate them (if you do want a drake, all drake flocks work good too)

my khaki campbell girl is small and super friendly. i don’t have my ducks for eggs, they are just pets. but she does lay eggs pretty often, and her breed is suppose to lay 300 a year. if you have ducks, they probably won’t be quiet unless they are drakes lol. my ducks all quack whenever they want attention, and my girls are 10x louder than my boys.
Muscovies are quiet and lay about 180 eggs (according to google) but they are large ducks (They can be up to 15 pounds!!:eek:). If you specifically want something small, call ducks are pretty tiny (1.5 pounds I believe) but boy are they LOUD! Khaki Campbells, my personal favorite, are fairly quiet unless startled or they’re begging for food and lay an average of 320 eggs a year! They’re also medium sized, about 4-5 pounds.
Muscovies are quiet and lay about 180 eggs (according to google) but they are large ducks (They can be up to 15 pounds!!:eek:). If you specifically want something small, call ducks are pretty tiny (1.5 pounds I believe) but boy are they LOUD! Khaki Campbells, my personal favorite, are fairly quiet unless startled or they’re begging for food and lay an average of 320 eggs a year! They’re also medium sized, about 4-5 pounds.
medium size? my girl is only around 2 pounds but my drake is bigger than my rouen 😂
You don’t want any drakes if you’re going to have them with your chickens. Drakes can severely hurt chickens by trying to mate with them. Personally I wouldn’t put them together for various reasons, if there wasn’t a rooster that could hurt your ducks with his spurs then I might consider it. Hopefully others who have chickens and ducks together will give you more advice. And no you only need a drake if you want to have ducklings.
I really like my hybrid white layer girls and Aspen is a good layer (she’s the only one I have laying right now. Everyone else is too young.)
You don’t want any drakes if you’re going to have them with your chickens. Drakes can severely hurt chickens by trying to mate with them.

This does depend though. I added full grown chickens to my flock of ducks. The drakes have never once tried to mate the chickens. In fact, all my ducks run when they see the chickens coming, with their sharp beaks!

However, drakes are pretty aggressive maters, so if you are only getting 2-3 girls, you probably don't want a drake.
You don’t want any drakes if you’re going to have them with your chickens. Drakes can severely hurt chickens by trying to mate with them. Personally I wouldn’t put them together for various reasons, if there wasn’t a rooster that could hurt your ducks with his spurs then I might consider it. Hopefully others who have chickens and ducks together will give you more advice. And no you only need a drake if you want to have ducklings.
I really like my hybrid white layer girls and Aspen is a good layer (she’s the only one I have laying right now. Everyone else is too young.)
How would the rooster hurt the duck with spurs?

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