Smallest egg I've ever seen!!

Oops.. Forgot to check byc for a couple days :)) thanks for all the replies!
Hey, @Paulinefrn found any more, setting them up to incubate somewhere?
I haven't found any more, and I put that one I have left in a warm room in my house. I read that gecko eggs need temperatures of 80-90 degrees to hatch, and where I live it's hot enough!
There was definitely something going on in there, but I haven't seen much progress... I probably killed it by putting it in the fridge for a bit :(

I'll leave it for a couple more days just to make sure but I don't think it's gonna happen
Back in September, my hen hei-hei layed this adorable little egg. Took some photos, and when I cracked it there was even a little yolk inside! I was already pretty impressed at the size of this one... View attachment 2005315

But today, I stumbled upon the monster of all tiny eggs.. I don't know how it even is possible for a hen to lay such a small egg!
Not even sure who layed it, as they all lay in the same nesting box.

View attachment 2005322
View attachment 2005324

Length: 9mm
Width: 8mm

Im wondering if there's even anything inside.. The shell seems pretty thick

But there you go, that was my discovery of the day :)
Are you sure that isn't a lizard's egg?

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