Smoky Mtn East TN

a buddy down the road from me, just got six TSC bantam chicks.. three silkie mixes, two bantam austrolorps, and a chipmunk guessing old english game bantam or hoping tiny easter egger. he told his GF on phone already, and she is ticked and way home!.. lol maybe if i get attached to any hens or quiet cocks, ill trade some white racer babies, flying birm rollers, or parlors for them, further frustrating her. hahaha

yay!!! think theyre allowed to stay.. she said all except one she fell in love with are destined for the stew pot though. maybe i can stash the bantam ameraucanas and bantam rhode island reds over here with his, in his fenced in shed area. hehehe
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Welcome to all the new peeps. 

I do know we have show breeders for silkies here in the area.  You will run into a few at the show as it is mostly a bantam show.

On another note I am putting eggs in today for hatching.  We lost another hen yesterday.  Hubby is on his way up North to get his mom and is bringing down a dog kennel that we are setting up around the chick coop.  Yea no more losses there.  We worked on getting rid of old fence to put up new in the nest couple of weeks.  Just wish this cold weather would go away. 17 degrees here last night. Brrrrrrr

hey cybercat,what town are you in? It was that cold here in elizabethton last night too.
a buddy down the road from me, just got six TSC bantam chicks.. three silkie mixes, two bantam austrolorps, and a chipmunk guessing old english game bantam or hoping tiny easter egger.  he told his GF on phone already, and she is ticked and way home!.. lol  maybe if i get attached to any hens or quiet cocks, ill trade some white racer babies, flying birm rollers, or parlors for them, further frustrating her. hahaha

yay!!!  think theyre allowed to stay.. she said all except one she fell in love with are destined for the stew pot though.  maybe i can stash the bantam ameraucanas and bantam rhode island reds over here with his, in his fenced in shed area. hehehe
I have some little chip monk babies too I hatched them from my bantam partridge cochin
Hey fellow mountain people. (lol)

Been gone from BYC awhile... thought I would check in. Hope everyone is doing well. I have my first broody for the year... she is a awesome mom and three year proven broody. I joked about changing her name to Brinsea. lol
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tnchickenut- congrats on the broody!
I hope to get one this year too.

Showvol- thanks for posting those links. I never seem to keep up with them.
If I am not mistaken I think the APA nationals will be in Knoxville in Dec. 2014
Hope this is okay to do here....our rooster passed away yesterday. I wonder if anyone has an extra young guy that needs a home. Not too fussy about breed, just that he not be agressive. I'm fond of mutts. I live in rural Blount County, Seymour/Walland.


Hope this is okay to do here....our rooster passed away yesterday. I wonder if anyone has an extra young guy that needs a home. Not too fussy about breed, just that he not be agressive. I'm fond of mutts. I live in rural Blount County, Seymour/Walland.


have some babies, not sure what I have yet. Have an educated guess on it, but if you wait a few weeks I may have a golden star or two for sale
Hope this is okay to do here....our rooster passed away yesterday. I wonder if anyone has an extra young guy that needs a home. Not too fussy about breed, just that he not be agressive. I'm fond of mutts. I live in rural Blount County, Seymour/Walland.



I would think its okay. I have seen it done on many threads. I have some extra cockerels but have not decided who goes and who stays just yet. They are blue Orpingtons but I am in Dandridge.
Maybe some one closer will have one? good luck.

ETA: I also have some eggs in the incubator and if they hatch I will be giving the cockerels away once I can sex them. They are EEs, Orps and EE over BCM.
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