Snack tip

I had one of these .. I'm not a tennis player, so my effort to get a fly exceeded my ability and I smashed racket in the process. Being resourceful, I modified it. I cut of the face/net part so I was left with a handle and 2 wires sticking out. I then proceeded to approach unsuspecting family member (not children) and zap them on their tush. :gig Was only able to get an individual one time BTW. :yesss:
Thats what happens to individuals who have too much time on their hands:oops: The shock is NOT DANGEROUS :old
Some of the readers here already know that I do like to repurpose many things. This one goes from practical to funny-practical category.
Lots of bugs and insects are good for the birds.

I even find things in the house or around the yard that I feed to my venus fly traps.

So it's not that we have a lot of bugs, it's that we don't have enough things to eat them!

This one year I had some baby ducklings (which got older as the spring time continued on). In the years before this, I would see may flies around my yard. Not that year. May flies fly slowly enough, as well as sometimes not very high off the ground, for the ducks to chase them down, so they were good eating!

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