Snacks for youngins

I have been feeding mine beet leaves since they were very young. Same here! They are going nuts for them. My beets were planted last Fall and have begun to bolt, so now they not only are getting leaves but the seeds, too.

I start feeding the brooder with the youngest, then the BO brooder, then the 6 week old RSL who are nearly in a feeding frenzy by the time I get to them. They line up at the front of their Chick-n-Hutch waiting not too patiently!

The youngest love their yogurt, BO have finally developed a taste for it and the teenagers gobble it up. I always add a lil bit of their crumbles to get them started.
That's funny ~ greedy little bird! And that reminds my gardening this weekend, I'm bound to come across grubs. Instead of tossing them far away into the lawn, I'll take a jar with me
I'm sure my chicks will thank you for that!
Boo-Boo's Mama :

My husband is so grossed out when I take grubs in to the chicks.
Especially those that are huge...larger than my thumb.

Do they swallow them whole or rip them apart? Just curious...and bigger than your THUMB? That's freakin HUGE! Ew.​
Whenever I weed my gardens I take a 5 gallon bucket for the weeds. I put all the weeds and grubs and worms I find into the bucket then take it down and dump it into the run. The girls eat the weeds and are delighted to find the worms and grubs!
Do they swallow them whole or rip them apart? Just curious...and bigger than your THUMB? That's freakin HUGE! Ew.

Well, with the smaller grubs there usually is a tug of war when someone else tries to take it away from the lucky chick who latched onto it first.

The huge one causes lots of heading turning and hollering when it moves. Not sure what they do with them but they disappear.
I wish I didn't have enough weeds to fill a five gallon bucket (or a pickup truck) but I usually do. I'll do that too when they get out into their coop and run! They'll do a great job of composting it for me. I'm almost more motivated to have chickens for the composting/manure end of it than I am for the eggs. Eggs are good though and DH thinks we have them for the eggs and meat
Boo-Boo's Mama :

The huge one causes lots of heading turning and hollering when it moves. Not sure what they do with them but they disappear. don't stay around to witness the carnage? I imagine there's some pretty good chicken football going on with that one!

My big chickens in Oklahoma used to kill and eat scorpions, which was nasty! They liked tomato hornworms at first but I think they got sick of me throwing them into their run everyday or they get nasty tasting the bigger/older they get. After awhile it was like, "are you KIDDING me? ANOTHER hornworm???? You need to break out the actual tomatoes or a melon around here!!"​
Boo-Boo's Mama :

No, did not stay to watch the carnage.
That's the stuff nightmares are made of!
After all they are BIRDS...that movie gave me the willies!

Chickens would be scary if they were even half the size we are. Thinking about THAT gives me the willies!
I don't like the way they look at me sometimes

I gave more yogurt tonight and yogurt frenzy is a bit of a mess, to say the least! I thought of something though...for folks that want to use yogurt, try Greek yogurt.

It's the kind I eat everyday because I like it but the cool thing about it is that it's much thicker than regular yogurt (and there's no added sugar and stuff). They drain the whey out so it's not runny (at least I think that's what they drain out ~ I could have it backwards or something). It's a bit more tart but I like it that way or I get the kind with honey.

Anyway, it tends to stick to stuff better, like I can smear it on the side of the brooder high up so they have to jump for it and it stays there. Or feed it from a spoon or plop a glob on a board and it stays there. It's no problem for them to get a beakful. I didn't feed the honey kind...just the plain. They love it!​

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