Snacks for youngins

wanna really watch the fun...throw an orange ping pong ball in the brooder and its like a living game of foosball. i opted away from the white ping pong balls, just incase they get used to pecking at the ball, hopefully they wont peck theyre own eggs.
This sounds awesome!! So I have to get a new chicken food and shaving provider I don't need people to scare me or make me feel stupid so I'm going to be brave and give them parakeet grit and protein filled food and fun! LOL wish me luck and thank you everyone!
This sounds awesome!! So I have to get a new chicken food and shaving provider I don't need people to scare me or make me feel stupid so I'm going to be brave and give them parakeet grit and protein filled food and fun! LOL wish me luck and thank you everyone!


I'm not familiar with Somersworth, NH, but if you have any amount of agriculture around you might find an independent feed store/mill (not a chain). Not that there's anything wrong with the chain. In my case, however, the independents have far better prices and much of their feed stock is grown locally and thus contributes to my local economy. That said, the local store's mash doesn't come in convenient pelletized form but I'm okay with mash. Local mash is a little over half the price ($17-18 per 100lbs versus $13 per 50lbs). They do sell pellet feed (Purina) as well and it's priced similarly to the chain store.

The other advantage of the independent store is the possibility of making connection within your local "agricultural" community. Again I don't mean to bad mouth a chain store, but it has been my experience that the people at the local, independent store have far more personal experience or know someone who they'll talk to for you or put you in touch with should you have a problem. In the past couple of years, I've been taking "think globally, act locally" to heart. My experience has been that developing local relationships is far more rewarding and it really hasn't been a cent more expensive. I still go to the chain store if I have to, but I go local whenever feasible.
I've found that our 3 week old chicks LOVE melons, especially cantaloupe. With cantaloupes and honey dews, when I cut them open, I scoop the seedy innards into a bowl and give it to the chicks. They go nuts for it and much grabbing, running, chasing, and general excitement (and entertainment) ensues.

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