Snacks for youngins

Awesome that's great so fruits and veggies other than citrus, potatoes, and I heard something about not giving them avocado or rhubarb? Is that right wrong kinda sorta? And chicklette grit and sand boxes.

You guys rock thanks so much I was worried about different foods since to me they are just babies and I know their digestive system is probably still working it's way up there but I'm glad I can start treating them to new things.

I know with my big girls I hang food for them to "play" with is that still ok with chicklettes or is there another idea or way to get them to get excited and have fun?

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I just put the meal worms and the chopped up fruit on a white plate in their brooder. My next plan is to make a dowel rod stake on which to impale an apple of a pear -- something for them to peck at.

Also, I use parakeet grit.

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Right now I'm dealing with a bit of feather picking and my birds are 11 days old. I was giving them starchy treats like a little cooked rice and raw oatmeal (which they LOVED) but I think that these types of treats may be displacing a bit too much protein in my little flock and that might be why I'm having some trouble with the feather picking. My brooder is big, they aren't too hot, etc.

If I were to do it over again with the treats this early, I would stick to high protein treats like the mealworms, cooked eggs, yogurt, maybe tuna, etc.

Right now, I actually offer the egg first thing in the morning and then refill feeders with crumbles and will give them some dandelion greens to peck at and scratch at...not chopped up because I want it to entertain them. I tossed in a bit of sod today with the grass cut short and a biggish hunk of cauliflower, hoping that they got a good crop full of pure protein this morning from the eggs and the bigger pieces of the other stuff might give them something to do.
Awesome I am going out today to get them some new stuff and possibly stuff for my big girls as well should be fun wish me luck! I'll take some pictures too

I love the play box/house idea! I'm going to try mine on some meal worms today. I'm so excited! My boys don't ask to watch tv anymore because the chicks are more entertaining!
Herbilady, what you're seeing may not really be feather picking, per se. Do you notice the papery quill coating around the new feathers your chicks are growing? I think it's pretty normal for chicks to peck at those papery wrappings on each other. Mine did that, too, but things settled down as soon as the new feathers had come in. None of mine actually pecked feathers out of each other.
My chicks wanted nothing to do with scrambled eggs... mashed hard boiled egg however, it was a feeding frenzy! The went crazy for it!
They chased each other all around the brooder trying to get the "best" pieces! They also like plain organic yogurt, but remain calm and composed when they eat that.

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