Snails for chicks

Hi there! Sorry to latch on, but my question is similar: how old are chickens when they independently go after snails? I have some 4-5 months old and they show no interest in snails whatsoever. So heartbroken if that’s the case, since I got the chooks mostly to combat the snails in my garden! :( I live in central texas and the snails here are hefty, to be fair.
At 5 weeks chicks should be eating nothing but their chick food unless they are being raised outside with a a broody. Chicks in a brooder are not ready for treats until they are a little older - and when that time comes they may not even be interested in treats. If they are, you need to provide grit if they eat anything other than their chick food. I would really hold off - and I believe that snails can carry parasites. Idk if I would give them that.
Hi there! Sorry to latch on, but my question is similar: how old are chickens when they independently go after snails? I have some 4-5 months old and they show no interest in snails whatsoever. So heartbroken if that’s the case, since I got the chooks mostly to combat the snails in my garden! :( I live in central texas and the snails here are hefty, to be fair.

I have never had any chickens go after snails or even look at them. Ducks could be a better choice for that, I would think? At least I know they enjoy slugs, which chickens are meh at.

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