Snake ID

I can be pretty stubborn at times as well... but when things start to turn black... well, that's a different story. Hopefully there is no long-term tissue damage. He probably didn't feel the urgency since he wasn't going into shock or getting sick.
Any update?!!
I have to admit that is a beautiful snake though.. I would say a pygmy rattler or something.. Im not real sure.. its bite probably wouldnt kill a healthy person, but make them wish they were dead..
Okay I only got past page 2 of the posts but that is a Pygmy Rattlesnake and their venom is bad news. He could lose his finger or several if he does not get it treated.

I was bitten by one on my foot when I was about 13 and they are nasty customers. Trust me...there is very little tissue in the fingers to be playing 911 if he will not go in on his own. I took the snake with me to the hospital.

Was the bite on his left hand? Does he have blood pressure issues or any type of heart disease? They have a neurotoxin which can force organs and body function to slow down to much or stop completely. You do not want to play with this...please get him to go in.
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Boy I hope he is okay. I just chased a rattler away from blue jay nest out back. We have lots around here that live side by side w/ gopher turtles in underground dens. DH wants me to kill all snakes I come accross but just couldn't do it today. Too scary. I heard somewhere that pygmy rattlers can pack a punch. Is it right that the bigger the rattler the less venom they have?

Once again, hope hubby is alright.
We have a lot of pygmy rattlers here (which I am 100% positive that is) and they are some NASTY aggressive snakes! They almost seem to WANT to bite you, where our other venomous snakes try not to. Hope he is alright!!!!
Yes smaller snakes as more potent venom but the larger snakes usually inject more so it can balance out. Pgymy Rattlers are nasty customers and not to be played with or disregarded.

When I was bit I was running across the yard to my grandfather with snake attached to my foot. They will bite and hang on, injecting venom the entire time. One of the few rattlers and snakes in general that do that.

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