
Coops Dad

Free Ranging
May 10, 2020
too close to Waco, TX
So I went outside to get the little junkwagon set up for my wife to take to town and pick up some stuff... and stepped on a snake. I was wearing shorts and a pair of Mocs (Dollar General generic Croc rip-offs but they're only$6 instead of $35 so they'll do) and the damned thing got me on the back of my calf, just above my Achilles tendon. To make matters worse, the SOB left two punctures and slithered off into the grass. I saw he was very dark, no visible pattern like you'd see on a gopher snake or banding as on a common water snake and, immediately, I thought "moccasin". This could get ugly.

Panicked, I moved the car back, turned on its lights and grabbed a flashlight. It took ten minutes but I found him and promptly demonstrated the life lesson known as "FAFO". He found out, to his mortal detriment.

Luckily, it turned out to be a banded water snake coming up on its time to shed; its banding was very muted and dark.

Still, check out the bite pattern- would this have gotten your attention?

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