Snakes for food

The Chickens World is a Savage Place. These "babies" are anything but.

Ive eaten snake. It didnt kill me, just made me mean. Probably do the same for a chicken.
One of my Turken pullets has ate a baby copperhead before,so poisonous or not it's meat.
Yes 16 inches. The picture is not miine. The snake was probably longer but I didn't want to exergerate. It was as long as her from head to tail all streached out. And it was at least as big around as my index finger. Its head was only as big as my pinkie fingernail.
If you're worried about poisonous snakes being a problem, if you kill one (or run over one with the lawn mower or car), just cut the head off. That's the only place venom is stored, the rest is just protein and a little calcium! Mine haven't had snake yet (I'm a snake lover, except for copperheads), but they did chase down and try to eat a 10 ft long black snake. I caught it and relocated it closer to the river, poor thing was just trying to get away.

At least we know that chickens aren't afraid of much, lol.
What if they are already dead? Will they still eat them and will they eat any old snake that is dead? I have no clue what it is that was in the back yard but I killed it and then thought about the chickens
Just had to reply, I'm fond of most wild critters and if my girls found a snake I guess I'd let them have it but I'd feel bad for the snake. Checked my facts just to be sure blue racers are not poisonous, they may be very agressive if cornered and can buzz their tales to sound bad and may turn and chase you too. This morning Hubby found three baby raccoons in the hay baler, had to find someone to foster them! Certainly don't want any people friendly raccoons around my chickens!!
My hens fought over a dried up snake carcas that had been run over by a lawn mower in my neighbors empty field. Yep! it was just like jerky and they loved it.
When you think of your sweet little chicken's eating habits, picture a pig with wings.

Anything that will fit, will probably be eaten.

As long as the item falls somewhere between Kobe beef and styrofoam on the food ladder.

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