sneezing baby chicks

May 17, 2020
NW Washington
I recently got baby chicks from a silkie breeder. After the first day of settling in, they've been sneezing and shaking their heads and expelling some kind of eye-juice. They're indoor chicks right now, and live in my room. It isn't dusty, and it's not just momentary sneezing from a dust bath or dusty food or pine shavings, it's constant sneezing, even outside of the brooder. Now I've started sneezing as well. What's happening??!
Are they huddling under the heat source, and acting sick. How old are they now, and how long have you had them? I would call the breeder and describe what you are seeing. Sneezing every few minutes by the smae chickens might be some sort of allergen or irritant, but infectious bronchitis could also be possible. That is a virus that lasts 3-4 weeks, and there is no treatment. They get it from a carrier. There can be secondary infections. Here is some info:
Are they huddling under the heat source, and acting sick. How old are they now, and how long have you had them? I would call the breeder and describe what you are seeing. Sneezing every few minutes by the smae chickens might be some sort of allergen or irritant, but infectious bronchitis could also be possible. That is a virus that lasts 3-4 weeks, and there is no treatment. They get it from a carrier.
Gotcha. They're 3 weeks old, and I've only had them for 2 days. They don't huddle under the heat at all, but occasionally nap underneath it. They're full of energy and seem completely fine except for the sneezing. Can chickens pass bronchitis to humans?
Do you know how to cure their bronchitis? I'm especially worried about my 3 week old Buff Laced Polish, who sneezes a lot and she has spread the sneezing to the other chicks. Also, they don't drink that much.
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I have 3 chicks that are only a few weeks old. They keep on sneezing, and they also have nasal discharge. I'm really worried. Will they die?
Where did you get the chicks—a feed store, a hatchery, a breeder, or hatch them yourself? What does your brooder look like? Is the bedding damp or dusty? Chicks can sneeze from something irritating in the environment, dampness that has created mold, or a respiratory disease.

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