Sneezing Chicken

Happy to say that for the past week or so my sweet little hen hasn't been sneezing and sounds good!

I am thinking this was environmental and once corrected the symptoms went away. Before I went away about 2 weeks ago, I changed all the bedding and nesting boxes with fresh pine shaving and some straw. I also removed the roof panels (hardware cloth for protection of course) on the coop making it a convertible to add more airflow and help with the summer heat.

When I built the coop and got chickens back in Feb I'd been doing the deep litter method and noticed a really really fine powder sediment on the coop floor, very dusty. I am suspecting this might have had something to do with it.

Anywho that is all cleaned up and freshing bedding seemed to have done the trick and I am sure the ventilation from the roof being removed can only help. Thanks for everyone's help as usual!

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