Sneezing pullet with snot bubble- help!!

I don't- my baby actually was part of a 10 hen setup to start up a NEW chicken lady. She has been in a brand new coop with hens she grew up with, no previous chickens on property. No new chickens added by the lady or by me prior to living over there. - so from a biosecurity standpoint we are looking good. Now, at her home she does not visit other chicken places other than my farm. - so barring wildlife bringing in the disease- I'm thinking no. But who knows. We have had a hurricane in the area. So a lot of moisture and molds in the air. I have had a cold for the last two weeks with strep personally. I think its upper respiratory infection.
Oh my gosh I'm having the same issue right now. Just bought 4 hens and one got extremely sick the 2nd day. Now my beautiful rooster is sick and his eye is shut also now. I am so angry at the guy who sold them as the one who spread the sickness also has her wing bone sticking out and they all fall over and can't walk right. I really hope this tylan stuff works because I'm about to go get it now. I will never buy hens like that again. I hope my beautiful barred rock doesn't die. I would be devastated!
Oh my gosh I'm having the same issue right now. Just bought 4 hens and one got extremely sick the 2nd day. Now my beautiful rooster is sick and his eye is shut also now. I am so angry at the guy who sold them as the one who spread the sickness also has her wing bone sticking out and they all fall over and can't walk right. I really hope this tylan stuff works because I'm about to go get it now. I will never buy hens like that again. I hope my beautiful barred rock doesn't die. I would be devastated!
That is so devestating!! I've read a lot of good things about Tylan, however my girl has shown no improvements with it. I hope yours reacts well to it!! Prayers sent your way!
Oh no! I'm sorry you are experiencing this @JoannaRae :hugs Just hang in there, I have been going through some bad sicknesses with my chickens too :(

Sending prayers out! :hugs
Thanks so much! Still no improvement on my girl! It seems as if everyone hits this stage at one time or another- unfortunately it appears respiratory issues are unavoidable! Ugh! I hope your babies get better!!
@JoannaRae can you post some photos of her face with the snot or a video of her actions?

Sneezing with mucous can be number of things. Without testing there is no way to know for sure what she has. Tylan50 can help with secondary infections due to respiratory illness. If she is not responding to treatment you may be dealing with Infectious Bronchitis, but that's just a guess. See that she is eating/drinking well.

Your other chicks - with the bloody poop - did that clear up with the Corid?

It's hard to know what you are dealing with - most respiratory illnesses are contagious and make any birds that are exposed carriers. What are your goals? (selling/trading/giving away hatching eggs, chicks or showing birds)? If any of these are your future goals, at least consider having a mucous sample tested to see what you have.
Thanks so much! Still no improvement on my girl! It seems as if everyone hits this stage at one time or another- unfortunately it appears respiratory issues are unavoidable! Ugh! I hope your babies get better!!

You're welcome! :hugs Aww, I am so sorry :hugs Yes, unfortunately with chickens illness is unavoidable :( Thank you! They are doing better, I lost at least 5 or 6 chickens these last 3 months, but thankfully they are doing so much more better :)
I just want to say you aren't alone and it will get easier. I'm relatively new to chickens. (First flock in April) I had a heck of time and wondered if getting chickens was a HUGE mistake. We had below freezing temps, lots of snow, respiratory infection, cocci, I had many sleepless nights or nights with an alarm set to check on the outdoor temps and/or the sick pullets in the house (they were never meant to be in the house, I purchased "outdoor coop ready pullets"), and I lost 2 of my original 5. It was hard. I thought I was in over my head. Trust me, you are doing your best and it will get easier. I am back up to 5 pullets and they are now about at point of lay. All I do is fill the feed and water in the morning and head to work. Easy. I watch them scratch around while I drink coffee or work on my garden or play with the dogs in the yard. They bring me peace after a stressful day. They are low maintenance. I rarely need to clean anything or do anything special. Hopefully soon I will have eggs. They come running over when I call them. They are healthy and well adjusted and easy. For now. I know winter is coming and the game will change some. You will get through this and you will get to enjoy your chickens soon!
@JoannaRae can you post some photos of her face with the snot or a video of her actions?

Sneezing with mucous can be number of things. Without testing there is no way to know for sure what she has. Tylan50 can help with secondary infections due to respiratory illness. If she is not responding to treatment you may be dealing with Infectious Bronchitis, but that's just a guess. See that she is eating/drinking well.

Your other chicks - with the bloody poop - did that clear up with the Corid?

It's hard to know what you are dealing with - most respiratory illnesses are contagious and make any birds that are exposed carriers. What are your goals? (selling/trading/giving away hatching eggs, chicks or showing birds)? If any of these are your future goals, at least consider having a mucous sample tested to see what you have.

The bloody poo is gone thankfully! All is good on that end! Hopefully it stays that way..
My goals are simply to keep these birds as pets and enjoy their eggs. I have absolutely no interest in selling, showing, hatching, etc. I will definitely post a video of the raspy, gurgling, sneezing girl when I get home from work. She still has good energy and normal habits. I just don't want to start out my flock with a disease that may stick with my girls forever..

I am so moved by all the support, information and kindness this site offers. Thanks so all who have reached out to help :)
That is so devestating!! I've read a lot of good things about Tylan, however my girl has shown no improvements with it. I hope yours reacts well to it!! Prayers sent your way!
Aww I am so sorry.. I am having no improvement in my rooster either. Both of his eyes are shut now. I will pray for you and yours also! It's horrible to have to watch your flock to through something like this.

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