So I decided to build an underground coop: UPDATE pg 33

All good reasons. I guess we were lucky with our garden. Well it all looks really cool. My wife doesn't like me looking at your page because it gives me ideas. I like the blog too. Good luck with everything else.
Great Idea on the coop. I don't wannarain on your day here but I have a question 'er two.Why is the entry door for peeple so short / small? Arent you gonna need a border / lip around the edge of the roof to hold / contain the material on top so it won't wash away, erode over time? and finally, I see you have gaps between the logs in the walls, what's gonna stop the wetness, water from seeping in the sides during several days of rain as we do get here in the northeast? Did you do a perk test at the bottom of the coop to see how well it WILL drain?
If the door was a standard 7' tall, the coop wouldn't be unobtrusive like I want it, I wouldn't be able to effectively earth-shelter sides that tall, and the ceiling would be 13' high. It'd be a chicken cathedral.

I'm hoping I can get stuff growing up there quickly enough so that the roots will hold things in place before erosion becomes significant.

There's a waterproof layer buried all around the coop, sloping outwards like a big umbrella.

Our soil is essentially bank-run gravel from glacial deposits. It drains well.
won't be able to get the full picture until i go to the library for hi-speed, but what i can see looks great! if the chickens don't like it, it would make a great root cellar!
it is great job, but I would be concern about the water in this coop when it start raining.
I hope you have this issue solved too.

Good luck.
Nope, don't like it! (taking notes and memorizing pictures)

Wouldn't have one on my place! (looking around for possible location)

Too unobtrusive! (what more can I say?)

Tongue in cheek, of course. I thoroughly enjoyed this thread. The kid in me loves this kind of thing. I dream of an underground tunnel between my house and the chicken coop.

Really interesting. What about ventilition and humidity? Ammonia gas buildup from all the droppings and urine could cause lung problems for your birds. The old saying about coops is "The healthiest chickens come from the sorriest coops" That is an off-handed endorsement of good and full-time ventilation. Cold is not likely to get them if they are dry, but heat will kill them for sure.
"What could I plant that chickens wouldn't destroy?"

No, no, don't say it that way! Say "what could I plant that chickens would enjoy?" See, now you've got something to think about! Make those chickens even happier...

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