So I went to church for the first time in years...

I only read the OP's posting.

What I don't understand is why judge the entire congregration by one person? There are those who take it on their own authority to do such things and the pastor may never know why a new comer never came back.

I have four children and would not want you to judge me by the behavior of my childrens actions. Most of the time they are well behaved at others they are dolts. So please don't judge the Father by the child.

As a parent wouldn't you want someone to come to you if your child did something foolish? Well then do the same for her, go to the Father. We sing a song in church part of which goes like this.

"You can talk about me anytime you please, You can talk me anytime you pleeeaasse. You can talk about me anytime you please, I'll talk about you down on my knees. My sins are wash away I've been redeemed".

Don't give up on God cuz his kids don't always do everything right. It's His approval that matters not theirs.


Thank-you for the smile
This is true Ranchhand

My kids are pretty good, their really cute... I just was hoping that they wern't too loud so as other people may have a hard time hearing.. i will introduce myself the next time
I once went to a local church, which I had never before attended. I wore a black turtle neck, tweed blazer and a new pair of blue jeans. I got there pretty early, because I like to get a good spot (like one that normally belongs to some other pious soul).

I like the friendliness of people who go every week and know a new face, when they see one. They come over and greet you and possibly introduce you to others.

It seems, some lady decided I was the new pastor and was coming to a few of the back-up minister's sermons, before taking over my place. No less than three parents introduced me to others with "This is Pastor David." I kept correcting them but somehow word got out that I was him and it spread like wildfire. The truth was still getting its boots on when the lie completed it's first lap of the church.

Once the service got started, I was sitting UTTERLY alone, in my section of the pews. I felt like I had spots on my jacket, from where people had been touching me with the ten-foot pole. It did all get straightened out and people still jokingly introduce me as "Pastor David". I am an ordained minister, but that never came up. Someone just thought I looked like a minister/pastor/reverend and I got labelled.

The way I was dressed, I was asking for it.
Please don't think , I judged the entire congregation by this one person. I was just saying, that it was hard for me to get up the guts to go, in such a small rural area. Would have been nice if she introduced herself to me.. With that being said, I should've done the same.
I felt a little bit jilted, but will go back. More prepaired

Any other suggestions, since you have 4, to keep the kids occupied? Ages almost 2 and 4?
Thank-you in advance
No dear I wasn't saying you were judgeing the whole congregation, I just wanted to encourage you, since you haven't gone to church in awhile.
The church I go to has a nursey for small children til the age of 5. I guess by then they should be able to sit through an entire service. I must confess I gave them a note pad and told them to take notes for me of what was being said. Of course I ended up with more doodles than notes. Please use a pencil as that washes off easier.

The nursery was volunteers who rotated meeting to meeting. If after awhile they don't have one perhaps you could start one.

Anyhow I just wanted to encourage you not to give up.

So let me tell you a funny story.
I had a friend who was learning to be a beautician. I have 3 girls so she practiced on my wife and girls. She had all these hair books that you see in the parlor. Some were of men who had permed hair. You know the type. So I let her give me a perm. Unfortunately this was in October.
So here I come walking in to church with my newly permed curly hair. A acquaintance, not a friend mind you comes up to me and musses my hair and says, "hey whatta ya doing getting ready for Holloween"? This right in the crowded assemby foyer! Well I wasn't happy but I survived it and he and I became the best of friends after some time. He passed away last year and I was asked to be a pallbearer an honor I did proudly. I was also given his favorite leather coat. I tell this story often and laugh about it now. I know there is a moral in here somewhere but can't put it into words.

God bless

God blessed you with children and he knows how they are. He loves to see them in church so don't worry about them playing peekaboo or making a little noise. That's what children do. When they are younger, kids get bored quickly so take some books, crayons or little toys for them to play with. Hang in there...if that's not the right church, keep looking and I'm sure you'll find one right for you.
You asked what to bring for children in church. Well, usually some coloring books, other books, a snack like crackers, dry cereal, etc, maybe something to drink in a sippy cup, and I usually pack at least one quiet toy. My oldest daughter (3 years) gets her baby doll and a blanket, my youngest (3 months) gets her piggy blanket thing ( a little blanket with a pig head in the middle, tough to explain). I've seen the boys have a car or two or some kind of action figure. Just so long as it doesn't make noise.

Now that said, we don't allow the eldest to have coloring stuff in church proper after having to get crayon out of her daddy's good clothes about 6 times in a row. Oh, and if your kids drop a bit of the snack on the floor, try to pick it up! I was the custodian at the church and there was one girl who was about 7 who would drop her snack on the floor and then grind it in with her heels. That does NOT make for a happy vacuuming.

Most people in church don't mind the small kids, and say the noises they make are actually wonderful, because it means the church is growing. Well, at least at our church. We don't even have a nursery service at our church because our belief is that kids should sit through the services right away. That way there is no adjustment period when the nursery services end. Yeah, they may get a little loud sometimes, but that's fine. We do have a nursery to which you can bring kids and watch them yourself though. It rarely gets used. Our pastor just speaks over the kids, and most times, just a quick go out with a kid is all that's needed.

Oh, and if you feel like your kid is being noisy, try this one: My daughter was learning "Old MacDonald" with different words. We sing Grandpa Bill he has a farm... with cows, Neighbor Duane he has a farm...with pigs, Grandpa Rick he has a lake...with fish, and Pastor Don he has a church...with Amens. In the middle of the readings, my daughter decided to start singing. And she started, loud and proud, with Pastor Don. It made Pastor stop, join in, and then get back on track. People still talk about it. So don't worry about the noise!

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