So mad at neighbor

You can find chicken sitters on websites like or even They charge between $20-$50 per visit. It is expensive but they have reviews and ratings and they will actually treat it like a job, not just blow it off.
Makes no sense then. I don't get it. Can you go talk to him, politely? Draw a contrast. Say something like, "I'm really puzzled! Last time you watched our chickens you did a great job and we were very confident leaving them in your care. But when we came home this time there were some issues and we just wanted to make sure you guys are okay, because things weren't up to your normal standards..." Then when he asks what you mean, again politely, let him know your concerns. Or at least some of them. Listen to his side of it. Who knows, maybe they were too sick to do it or had a death in the family or something. Discuss your expectations about the eggs. Maybe you can split 50-50 or something. But negotiate. Work it out. Then everybody wins.
"Communicate, Negotiate, Celebrate!"
Makes no sense then. I don't get it. Can you go talk to him, politely? Draw a contrast. Say something like, "I'm really puzzled! Last time you watched our chickens you did a great job and we were very confident leaving them in your care. But when we came home this time there were some issues and we just wanted to make sure you guys are okay, because things weren't up to your normal standards..." Then when he asks what you mean, again politely, let him know your concerns. Or at least some of them. Listen to his side of it. Who knows, maybe they were too sick to do it or had a death in the family or something. Discuss your expectations about the eggs. Maybe you can split 50-50 or something. But negotiate. Work it out. Then everybody wins.
"Communicate, Negotiate, Celebrate!"
My boyfriend had already said thank you for watching them. And as far as i think they had a giant party today🤷🏼‍♀️ When my boyfriend watches his chickens it takes him a month for him to pay my boyfriend. He will text my boyfriend saying “I’ll drop the money off tomorrow” and then he finally drops it off 3 weeks later. So as far as me or my boyfriend are concerned his not good at keeping his word.
You can find chicken sitters on websites like or even They charge between $20-$50 per visit. It is expensive but they have reviews and ratings and they will actually treat it like a job, not just blow it off.
I think we’re either going to ask my parents or another neighbor to do it next time!
I think we’re either going to ask my parents or another neighbor to do it next time!
Honestly I would not ask a neighbor, unless you are actually willing to hire them and pay them. Petsitting is like babysitting, they need to treat it like a serious job and not just a casual favor like tit for tat. Parents are a different story, because most parents will do babysitting for free :)
Honestly I would not ask a neighbor, unless you are actually willing to hire them and pay them. Petsitting is like babysitting, they need to treat it like a serious job and not just a casual favor like tit for tat. Parents are a different story, because most parents will do babysitting for free :)
We tried to pay him the first time and he didn’t take it. And me and my boyfriend are both on the agreement that whoever watches them, we will pay them :)

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