So mad at neighbor

That may be your answer.

Ive made feeders that hold a 50lb bag & waterers that are horizontal nipple headers fed by a 55 gal rain barrel. When I leave on vacation I have a friend come by, collect what eggs they want, & just look to make sure everything looks good. No chicken expertise necessary.
The coop run is secured so no need for closing them up or letting them out each day.
That may be your answer.

Ive made feeders that hold a 50lb bag & waterers that are horizontal nipple headers fed by a 55 gal rain barrel. When I leave on vacation I have a friend come by, collect what eggs they want, & just look to make sure everything looks good. No chicken expertise necessary.
The coop run is secured so no need for closing them up or letting them out each day.
He have a waterer that holds 2 gallons of water, it was completely empty. The feeder holds about 48 oz of layer feed. So both do not need to be filled everyday, but maybe once everyother.
Reciprocity. That's the word. Okay, i think I'm beginning to see.... . I think he wants y'all to refuse to accept his money, like he does yours. The "game" he's playing is, he offers to pay, but you're supposed to refuse it, like he does when you offer to pay him. The trade-off is not money, but watching each other's birds.

What that has to do with him not taking proper care of your birds, I'm not comprehending. But rather than entrust them again to a man who would do that, for whatever reason, is a bad idea. So yeah, find yourself someone who is trustworthy. And type up a list of chores. Good luck!
Reciprocity. That's the word. Okay, i think I'm beginning to see.... . I think he wants y'all to refuse to accept his money, like he does yours. The "game" he's playing is, he offers to pay, but you're supposed to refuse it, like he does when you offer to pay him. The trade-off is not money, but watching each other's birds.

What that has to do with him not taking proper care of your birds, I'm not comprehending. But rather than entrust them again to a man who would do that, for whatever reason, is a bad idea. So yeah, find yourself someone who is trustworthy. And type up a list of chores. Good luck!
I’m more mad about the fact that he used the whole bag of mealworms and scratch feed to feed them instead of filling a feeder or waterer. But yes we are going to find someone else that could do it!
I agree with Big Blue Hen that communication here is extremely important. I know you've said your boyfriend has already talked to him and stuff, and you don't plan on using him again, but it might be worth your future feelings/relationship with your neighbor to go over and figure out what was going on. It seems really weird to me that he would take care of them so poorly this time when he had done fine before. Maybe he sent over a relative or something because he was busy and he had no idea what was going on over there. Anything is possible. I like to get people to benefit of the doubt, so unless you know for sure he did this on purpose, I would be hesitant to let this simmer.
I agree with Big Blue Hen that communication here is extremely important. I know you've said your boyfriend has already talked to him and stuff, and you don't plan on using him again, but it might be worth your future feelings/relationship with your neighbor to go over and figure out what was going on. It seems really weird to me that he would take care of them so poorly this time when he had done fine before. Maybe he sent over a relative or something because he was busy and he had no idea what was going on over there. Anything is possible. I like to get people to benefit of the doubt, so unless you know for sure he did this on purpose, I would be hesitant to let this simmer.
I’m going to ask my boyfriend to ask him what happened this time
I’m going to ask my boyfriend to ask him what happened this time
Er ..... Why not do it yourself? You're the one that's mad. To clear up this misunderstanding and any resentments YOU are harboring, you are the one who should deal with it directly. If not, I just see this escalating until you and your neighbor develop unresolvable differences. Or worse, your boyfriend and neighbor become bitter enemies over it . Don't put him in the middle. Stand up.
Er ..... Why not do it yourself? You're the one that's mad. To clear up this misunderstanding and any resentments YOU are harboring, you are the one who should deal with it directly. If not, I just see this escalating until you and your neighbor develop unresolvable differences. Or worse, your boyfriend and neighbor become bitter enemies over it . Don't put him in the middle. Stand up.
He’s not my neighbor directly. He knows me but he is my boyfriends neighbor. Me and my boyfriend don’t live together. As i would go over there and talk to him about it, i couldn’t because one i’m not close with him like my boyfriend is and two i have anxiety talking to people with my concerns. That’s why i came on here to let my anger out basically. And for the whole money thing it didn’t occur to me that when my boyfriend watched his chickens, it was over the winter and we didn’t even have our chickens yet.
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My boyfriend had already said thank you for watching them. And as far as i think they had a giant party today🤷🏼‍♀️ When my boyfriend watches his chickens it takes him a month for him to pay my boyfriend. He will text my boyfriend saying “I’ll drop the money off tomorrow” and then he finally drops it off 3 weeks later. So as far as me or my boyfriend are concerned his not good at keeping his word.
Maybe I'm missing something here, but if he's not accepting payment from you, then you should not be charging him either. That's the neighborly way to do such things.
If you feel he didn't take care of your chickens properly then make other arrangements next time. Personally I don't see the point in asking him why he did this or didn't do that.
What's done is done, no sense in ruffling anyone's feathers over it now.
Maybe I'm missing something here, but if he's not accepting payment from you, then you should not be charging him either. That's the neighborly way to do such things.
If you feel he didn't take care of your chickens properly then make other arrangements next time. Personally I don't see the point in asking him why he did this or didn't do that.
What's done is done, no sense in ruffling anyone's feathers over it now.
We did not charge him? As already stated, the last time my boyfriend watched his chickens, it was the middle of winter, when we did not even have our chickens. The neighbor gave my boyfriend $20, like he always does when my boyfriend watches the chickens, even though my boyfriend didn’t care about the money. We went away for a week the beginning of august and asked the said neighbor to watch our chickens for the week. When we came home my boyfriend went over with $50 and he told my boyfriend no money necessary. It made me upset this time because it looked like he did not take proper care of our chickens, like he did the first time, and gave them way to many mealworms and scratch feed. I’m more confused on why he did such a poorly job this time. It’s like he went over just to collect the eggs (even though he has chickens and doesn’t need eggs) and didn’t even feed them or give them water.

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