SO mad! Darn Neighbor's Cats!

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I think that's a very reasonable line. Having animal control help you trap the cat sounds like a great idea. I hope you can find a good solution! And again, my apologies for misunderstanding and overreacting.
annaraven, you sound like a very kind and compassionate person. i have done some trapping and feral fixing in my time, and some rehabbing. It is hard work, time consuming, costly, and pretty thankless. So anyone who takes on that challenge should be commended.

You know, it's such a delicate balance, because i am very compassionate towards those that choose to let their cats outside. i think most cats would love to be out exploring. i would actually love to set up a secure area so my cats can be outside. A friend of mind put together a kennel outside their house. Their cats go out the window and can be in the grass and sunshine, but still protected. She had to do this as one of her cats has feline aids and can't risk getting in a fight and injured.

i don't know what to do at this point. i had suggested to them installing hardware cloth on the fence between our houses so the cat would have a very difficult time climbing over. If he had to come from another direction, the goats would see him and intercept. Perhaps we can try this and see if it solves the problem.
i think things are taking a positive turn. My husband and i went to talk to them again yesterday, after shooing their cat from on top of our coops three times in quick succession. That is one stubborn cat! The talk didn't seem to be going well at first. But towards the end we agreed to erect some type of barrier on top of our mutual fence so their cat couldn't come over at that point. i asked if they could please keep their cat in just for the day as i needed one day of peace, and they did.

This morning the young woman came to talk to me to let me know they are keeping the cat in this week but have to let it out next week as their puppy is getting fixed and they don't want that cat picking on her. i'm very grateful for this changed attitude. Other thing though, their roommate is missing his two cats, hasn't seen them in over a week, and she asked if i had seen them. i told her it's been at least 2-3 weeks since they've been in my yard. Couldn't help thinking that this is just the scenario that prompts me to keep my cats indoors. i would be sick if my cats were missing for even a day. i hope they turn up. It's been bitter cold at night lately.

Anyhow, just wanted to do an update.
Colleen, that is great news...sounds like they want to work with you!

I've spent so much money on getting a kitten, spade, shots, food, toys, etc....only for them to get hit by cars. If I ever get another cat it will be indoors only. You're a great cat mommy!
Playing devil's advocate .... maybe she doesn't want to keep her cat locked up because you don't want to lock up your ducks?

I also know that it is hard as heck to keep a cat in - if that cat doesnt want to be in. She may be trying!
Playing devil's advocate .... maybe she doesn't want to keep her cat locked up because you don't want to lock up your ducks?

I also know that it is hard as heck to keep a cat in - if that cat doesnt want to be in. She may be trying!

Naughty, her ducks ARE locked up on her property. The cats are climbing the fence to enter her property. Ducks are behind a fence, cats are going over.

I'm betting she is being more cooperative because cats are starting to go missing.........even though you had nothing to do with it. Nothing like a little wake-up call that they don't own the world.
Playing devil's advocate .... maybe she doesn't want to keep her cat locked up because you don't want to lock up your ducks?

I also know that it is hard as heck to keep a cat in - if that cat doesnt want to be in. She may be trying!

Naughty, her ducks ARE locked up on her property. The cats are climbing the fence to enter her property. Ducks are behind a fence, cats are going over.

I'm betting she is being more cooperative because cats are starting to go missing.........even though you had nothing to do with it. Nothing like a little wake-up call that they don't own the world.

Hi Naughty - That was one of their arguments yesterday, that i should keep my birds locked up. i explained that i do have them all in fully enclosed cages most of the times, but let the ducks wander around our patio area when i'm home and within earshot. They argued that, if they keep their cat in, what happens when another cat goes in our yard. i told them i try to handle everything on a case by case basis, depending on the cat. For instance, this morning i found one of their other cats using the top of one of my kennels as a lounging station. That's fine, i let her stay as she's a sweetie. i just don't want their trouble-maker over here. Glad they are being so cooperative.

I get so angry about people who own cats and let them run loose all the time. Cats do not HAVE to run loose. That is just lazy, irresponsible owners making excuses.

Dog owners are expected to keep their dogs in their own yards, and obviously chicken owners keep their babies on their own property. Why aren't cat owners held to the same resposibility?

Spend a little money and make a screened-in outdoor room that you can let your cat into. That way they are outside, yet contained and safe.

I have seen some pretty nice "cat yards" with tree limbs for climbing, sand boxes for digging, shrubs for hiding in and other niceties. Alot of them even have a small patio with furniture so "mom and pop" can sit out and have their morning coffee with the kitties. My friend had pots of cat grass, herbs and catnip set out for her babies. She built it after the third cat was hit on the road. She said the investment in time, supplies and yard space was completely worth it for the peace of mind and vet bill savings. Her tomcat was always getting into fights and had to go to the vet for stitches quite often. The vet told her about all the diseases that free roaming cats are exposed to, that also helped to convince her to build the pen. Bonus was that part of it was covered so the cats could go outside on rainy days also.

Her husband likes to complain about mowing the cat yard, but he was the one I always saw in the yard lovin' on his baby!
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