SO mad! Darn Neighbor's Cats!

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Sorry to hear about your problem. It is not legal for you to shoot, kill or mame their cat. I have never seen a cat try to attack a grown duck or chicken for that matter. And rumor has it the cat did not attach your duck!!! Your duck are making alot of noise because the cat if out there.
my cats are always hanging around my chickens it will stalk them sometimes but nothing ever comes out of it it lays in nest boxes and in middle of flock
Actually it is legal in most places to kill animals that are threatening your livestock. I also don't think you have to wait for the cat to actually kill one of your animals first either if they are acting in a threatening manner.
While most cats leave poulty alone that is not true of ALL cats. My barn cat is a pacifist. He loves hanging out with the chickens. He would kill a small chick or younger bird in a heartbeat though. I never let him near the babies for that reason. There are feral cats around here that WOULD attack a grown chicken or duck though if they were hungry enough.
If an animal is on MY property and i dont want them there... well... its common sense whats going to happen if the cat owner doesnt care enough to heed your warning.
Its common sense..
What are we up to now . . Quadruple "huh?"

. . . . and what rumor is this? Interesting that you just joined. Related to my neighbors are we?

Also, i would be perfectly within my rights to use whatever force is necessary to protect my livestock, or as i like to refer to them "pets". But i have no desire to harm or kill anything. If you had read through the entire thread you would know that. And, just because you have never seen a cat attack a full grown chicken or duck does not make it a blanket truth.

Come on now, stop hiding behind that pseudonym and let's get a look at ya.
Farmer behind me HAD cats! Wouldn't feed em. Said he wanted them to be HUNGRY so they would catch rats on his farm. Well, they tore into my pens and ate my GROWN chickens! So the farmer behind me HAD cats! The End!
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