SO mad! Darn Neighbor's Cats!

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What are we up to now . . Quadruple "huh?"

. . . . and what rumor is this? Interesting that you just joined. Related to my neighbors are we?

Also, i would be perfectly within my rights to use whatever force is necessary to protect my livestock, or as i like to refer to them "pets". But i have no desire to harm or kill anything. If you had read through the entire thread you would know that. And, just because you have never seen a cat attack a full grown chicken or duck does not make it a blanket truth.

Come on now, stop hiding behind that pseudonym and let's get a look at ya.

If thats the case.. guess its time to stop being nice, Enchanted...
I say trap the cat and find another "home" for it.
I hate people who follow that myth - if you want cats to stay on your farm and catch rats or mice, *feed* them. Sorry to hear about your chickens. Too bad it wasn't the "cats HAD a farmer" at the end...
i'm guessing this is the young lady next door or her boyfriend's mother. Although, the boyfriend's mother mentioned to me once that she read byc, so she would already have been a member. This person just joined today and posted at 3:39 and 3:47pm, and the young lady who lives next door has been home for a while now.

Gotta say someone seriously needs to take spelling and grammar lessons(!).
What are we up to now . . Quadruple "huh?"

. . . . and what rumor is this? Interesting that you just joined. Related to my neighbors are we?

Also, i would be perfectly within my rights to use whatever force is necessary to protect my livestock, or as i like to refer to them "pets". But i have no desire to harm or kill anything. If you had read through the entire thread you would know that. And, just because you have never seen a cat attack a full grown chicken or duck does not make it a blanket truth.

Come on now, stop hiding behind that pseudonym and let's get a look at ya.

Yeah. I think we're about up to MEGA huh? Looks like a sockpuppet, smells like a sockpuppet...
Not hiding behind anything. This is not the young lady who lives next door. This is the boyfriends mom and the owner of the home. They do not legally have to keep their cats indoors and you are within your rights to catch their cats and take them to animal control. You are NOT within your rights to legally harm their cats. As you know there are several suggestion on the animal control site as to how to keep their cats out of your yard. Your note was rather threating and not very nice. I think if you would have discussed it in a nicer manner maybe they would have not been so upset. I do have chickens and ducks as well. I live on 5 acres and deal with coyotes too. I do keep my chickens safe from predetors. As far as their cats go. Those cat were around chickens and ducks over here and never once did they try to ATTACK them. If their cats do come up missing or dead they will know where to look.
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Thanks for coming out of hiding. My husband and i are the owner of this house and have a right to enjoy our home and to keep our pets safe. i already apologized for being so angry after their cat attacked our ducks. i was there, no one else was there, i saw what happened, no one else did. i am not prone to angry outbursts and have no reason to pick a fight. i have enough i'm dealing with here. So you can talk till you're blue in the face but i know what i saw. My terrified ducks running from their cat prompted that note.

Glad you are able to keep all your critters safe and that their cats did not bother your ducks or chickens. That was not the case here with that one particular cat. Again, you were not here when that happened. i was.

Also, a couple of the cats have come up missing and i have been helping the young lady with suggestions on how to find them. There are several people on the street behind us who routinely trap and turn any stray cat into animal control. They are going there tonight and i hope they find them.

So please climb down off that high horse and stop with the threats. We have been talking and trying to work things out, and your sneaking onto BYC to stir the pot and make thinly veiled threats is not helping anything.

Now, if you will excuse me, i need to put my pets to bed outside. i suggest you do the same.

BTW, it's spelled "threatening" not"threating" and "predators" not "predetors".
Not making any threats towards you. Your right I was not there, but I know what I was told. You stated that the cat was running away not attacking. Does not really matter. You are the one threatening to harm their animal. Not sure that you might not be the one who made the other 2 cats disappear. I am ticked off that you left that threatening note. As for my miss spelling typo error oh well. You do have a right to enjoy your yard as do the neighbors. I know you and your beloved animals ran off one neighbor, I would think that you would make an effort to work with your neightbors not make threats. As for hiding I was never hiding and I am not stirring the pot. I happened on here looking for suggestion to help my son and his girlfriend fix the problem so that everyone is happy, but all a keep reading is how you will have to resort to harming their cats. I am not on my "high horse" you are the one that is ranting and raving. I would hope that you could work with them like adults so that everyone is happy. I don't need you telling me what I should do with my time and my animals GROW UP!!!!!!!!!
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i would say waite till the cat actually kills or harms an animel to kill it if you do this then you can even milk it for all its worth in some states if you sell eggs and they kill a female duck you can charge them for all the eggs that hen would have laid while a replacement (they also buy to replace the 1st there animal killed)
when it comes down to it the owner is responsible for there animal i have cats that run loose everywhere on the backroads and if they harmed any1 elses animal i would personly rehome/kill them myself and the OP has everyright to take care of this problem if the cat is on her property spooking her animals this drops productivity if you wanted to "handle this like adults" simply find a way to keep youre animals in youre yard end of story
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Maam I admit I do not know Califorina law but in most states EAST of the Rockies,if someones animals are on another persons property, the animal owners have been warned to keep them home and they are seen as harassing(not even killing or hurting,but just harassing) livestock IT IS legal to shoot and kill said animals. I would think you folks would care enough for your animals and respect your neighbors enough to keep your pets at home and insure they do not trespass. If you were my neighbor the cats would already be dead.
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