So movement in 3 eggs day 19 and one hatched! Well now others are lifeless after being rolled around

Jul 9, 2017
so I had an early hatch day 19.... well other eggs showed signs and sound. Well we are 24 hours in and after the eggs were rolled around by the hatchling there is no sign in the others or pipping. I removed the newly hatched chick very quickly after it was dried to give the others a chance and due to plenty of time to call for them. Anyone else experienced this?
so I had an early hatch day 19.... well other eggs showed signs and sound. Well we are 24 hours in and after the eggs were rolled around by the hatchling there is no sign in the others or pipping. I removed the newly hatched chick very quickly after it was dried to give the others a chance and due to plenty of time to call for them. Anyone else experienced this?
I have had this happen and I've also had chicks I thought were not going to hatch (because they were taking longer than the others to pip) hatch. Your not alone, I just had a hatch a few days ago had 20 eggs set had 15 to hatch out 1 of them was literally cracked open by the other chicks and didn't make it. Hatching chicks is always an adventure an different everytime in my opinion I hope your hatchling is doing good!
Thank you! 1 hatched yesterday on day 21 and another we really thought would and is now super still. Ugh! I’m going to move the newbie to the brooder and pray we get the one more in the next daY. We are on day 22... eeek!
Does he look dry enough to move??? Sorry it’s my first hatch lol
And I forgot to add chicks usually don't move as much when it comes hatching time as they rest a lot. Incubating and hatch eggs gives a whole new meaning to the words have patience lol it's so hard for me to just sit back an wait for them to do their thing I pace a lot
They are polish crested and I have easter eggers too much none hatching :( but that’s why I’m wanting to go ahead with the move so if they do hatch he won’t be stuck :( I have a titan hen brooder inside the brooder in doors.

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