So my honey looked at me and said...


have fun milking them twice a day
Er, I know, I just prefer 'mama cow'.
So it must be a Fresian, then! Grr, I always get those two confused.

D: My husband SAYS he'll milk her. "I used to milk every cow when I was little," he says...

I might just end up with one super fat calf.
No pictures yet because apparently he bought 'future cows'. They'll be ready a month or so after we move, from a dairy farmer friend of his. So the calf isn't even a calf yet. :3
Uh... ya that was nearly the end of our relationship... two dairy cows..
Uh.. females would have been a better idea!!! LOL

2 bull jersey babies.. WTH!!!!
and that's no bull!!! At least not anymore!!!
Definately a Fresian. I used to work on a friend of hubbys dairy farm
If you are going to have to cows on 2 acres you will need to by alot of extra hay as they can sure chew the grass down quick. We have one a bull calf on 5 acres and we still need to buy extra feed.

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