So one of our erm... EE's delivered an egg..(updated! 2nd EE egg pic!)

I downloaded the rom, but the only one in english i could find was harvest moon cute, and im not a girl
Haha yea that one might not be as fun. There is a GBA version of the game as well if that is available out there. That and the Game Cube versions were the two I was playing. My Mom is playing farmville on facebook. It's really funny watching her play video games. She swears it's a great game that's tons of fun. She is actually trying to get me to sign up for that facebook thing so she can get some bonus plant or something for a refferal.
Instead of creating another thread about essentially the same thing I wanted to update this thread with some progress. Our second easter egger laid her first egg first thing this morning and we are soooo happy to report that it seems we might have ourselves an olive egger, or some variation of it...!?


We are super happy with these chickens. They have been so good lately. Not hopping the fence, laying eggs, scaring off the cats and little birds around the yard, entertaining us to no end... the list goes on and on!! We are starting to work on building a second coop and I haven't even revealed the coop I just built to the community!
We might have to get a few more of these easter eggers lol.

EDIT: Incidentally the EE that is laying this egg is the same as in my avatar pic!
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I love watching people as they see real green/blue eggs for the first time. Congrats on the lovely eggs - cute story too about showing them off to everyone. I never thought of bringing my eggs With me any place. Ha ha ha... might make for a fun day, carrying around a green/blue egg to show off to everyone!
I haev a Q dont mean to hijack the thread but, i need an answer because its been bugging me all day! I got 5 eggs yesterday and only 1 today? Why do i get a lot one day and close to none the next?

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