So Sad...Chickens have to go. I've got ten days. Central IL--SOLD

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Sounds like you live in the FANCY part of town and one of your neighbors doesn't want anything fowl about!

Sorry, I couldn't resist. I used to live in a small town and one side of the road felt they were better than the other side! I moved....
Go to the next town meeting and ask!
If you go you will then have the people who could say yea or grant you a variance. Best bet would be to get all your close neighbors to sign a letter saying they have no problem with the chickens.

Town meetings are public records. Fine out how the problem was brought up and handled, if at all.
Just because it has a special letterhead and says its from a law firm that exists does not make this real, those things can easily be forged and photoshopped. I'd suggest calling the law firm to see if its for real.

Oops, typo.
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I can not believe that there is a village of 530 residents in the middle of Farmland, USA, that would even have an ordinance of no chickens in your yard. This Ive got to see.
When a neighbor and a dog owner had a complaint and non complaint (loose dogs killed my chickens), it is the CITY OFFICIAL that let you know whats the bylaws are and you must ask for the copy of the ordiance too.

Not a lawyer and not the animal control.....

That would include the town of Elwin which they would not have much to say about chickens and Mt Zion didnt have it in their ordiance yet.
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ust because it has a special letterhead and says its from a law firm that exists does not make this real

I'm a graphic designer. I can make anyone look like a real business in about 10 minutes.​
Do you know if one of your neighbors works at the law firm? I have seen it before, where employees will use company letterhead for “personal projects” so it appears legit. Check with the clerk first.
I can't believe that such a poorly framed and executed letter came from anyone who passed the BAR exam. I would double and triple check that one. Start a grassroots movement to change the law, if it is true.

A very fancy schmancy town, here in NC, is currently fighting town hall to keep chickens. I live 1 1/2 blocks from town hall in Chapel Hill, NC and I am allowed to have up to ten hens-no roosters.
And another thing, the city official MUST give you a statement of citation, nothing else and in that paper it would be spelled out why you must do certain things to satisfy the neighbors.

Nothing ticked me off more than anything to have a dear friend to lose her chickens!
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