So second day in a row that my top hen caught a mouse


7 Years
Jan 20, 2013
It's the funniest thing my hen Daisy has now caught two mice. she grabs them by the back of the neck then shakes them around and tried to eat them. I dont know what it wrong with her maybe she thinks she is a hawk or something. It takes me like 5 mins to make her let go of the poor things though. Then I get to deal with her pouting for half the day.

Does anyone else have a mouse hunting chicken?
Some breeds are known for good mousing skills, Buckeyes, for example. I have two in my flock and at least one has caught mice, maybe both of them more than once.

I let them eat it. They don't get much, though, as there is always another hen grabbing for it which makes them all run. Mouse keep-away!

The protein is good for them, too.
I have always tried to get it from them... worried about them getting sick or something. should I let them eat the mice?
Chickens are naturally omnivores, just like humans. The protein would be good for them, I would let them eat the mice.
My girls are the happiest when they've just caught and eaten a snake or frog. They've not gotten any mice yet that I'm aware of. I think our cat has pretty much taken care of that!

Let her enjoy her mouse. She earned it!
Yep, chickens are hardy little things
My girls are the happiest when they've just caught and eaten a snake or frog. They've not gotten any mice yet that I'm aware of. I think our cat has pretty much taken care of that!

Let her enjoy her mouse. She earned it!

Ok next time I will :) just wasnt to sure about what would happen if the mouse was sick and bit the chicken. I know that Daisy (my mouse hunting hen) is pretty pissy when anyone messes with her food and thats where she has been catching all the mice :) So I guess its a good thing but just caught me off guard.
Well, sure, it kinda goes against the idea of happy hens only eating corn we scatter for them..... But now we know better. Even knowing Buckeyes were reputed to BE mousers, it startled me the first time Queenie caught one.

Mostly because of the squeaking from the hapless mouse...

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