So SO irritated -

I agree that you should wait a bit before classifying them as roos. I have SLWs and from what I have been told they are early to develop combs and wattles. My two SLWs have different comb types, which originally made me think that one was a roo, but I don't think that that is the case.

Good luck!
I think I have 2 roos in this batch of chicks, I already have a OEGB bantom roo he's loud enough, can't have any more, they will either be sold or have to go to freezer camp.
I hate spoilers and I wasn't going to ask but if the chicks are RIR crosses with Amerucanas and they have big tail feathers, then what are the chances of them being roos? They are almost three weeks old. We have one that has a petite tail and is almost dainty. We think that it's a pullet but the other three? "Freezer camp" is not an option in my household so I'm getting really worried.
Purple Veg*n :

I hate spoilers and I wasn't going to ask but if the chicks are RIR crosses with Amerucanas and they have big tail feathers, then what are the chances of them being roos? They are almost three weeks old. We have one that has a petite tail and is almost dainty. We think that it's a pullet but the other three? "Freezer camp" is not an option in my household so I'm getting really worried.

in chicks that age, HAVING tail feathers is more likely a sign of being a pullet in some breeds, it is not a sign of being a rooster... or it is just a quicker maturing bird... you really can't tell things like that until you start seeing pointed hackle or saddle feathers... that is the key, although sometimes an early crow, a comb that is just TOO red for the age, and other little factors could help... "freezer camp" as people here like to joke about, is not an option for our family either. i would suggest ordering all pullets, that way you have a 90% chance of getting all pullets... i've ordered maybe 20 sexed pullet chicks in total (in small batches of 3, up to 6 chicks at a time) and EVERY SINGLE ONE has been a pullet thus far... i'm not saying next batch that i won't get a rooster, but it's worth the extra bucks for that assurance...

for the OP, roosting is NOT a sign of being a rooster... it is just a chick that is more adventurous or matured faster... maybe it has the wing feathers to flap up to the roost, where the others do not yet... it is NOT a cockerel or pullet determining factor though...​
I believe with the red sex link, the roosters are white and the pullets are red.
Don't quote me on that, but I'm sure I read that on here somewhere.
Hope it works out for ya.

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