All I can offer you Luna is a
I've not had to go through this but another forum I belong to has had several ladies, and they all recommend HysterSisters forums for information/stories/finding people in your situation too. Might not hurt to try.

My mom had a hyster, though not due to cancer, and said she wished she had done it years sooner. Her one regret is that she is forever in a "you can't lift more than X pounds" restriction. Her first thought was that grandbabies grow too fast and she wouldn't be able to pick them up too much.
Same with be, I didn't have to be cut, it was all done internally and I had hang nails that hurt me worse than the surgery. It really was a piece of cake. Good luck, and our thoughts and prayers are with you!!!

Check into some good vitamins, and be sure to get some very good antioxidants going too. Vit C is very important, as it helps you heal, and they aren't $$ . . . go to a health food store to these things . . . NOT WM.
Luna~ I had to have a hysterectomy 3 years ago at 28 years old due to cancer. They thought it was ovarian, turned out to be non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. I'll be honest with you, the surgery was rough and the menopause not fun, but it had to be done. I'll be thinking of you, you can beat it!
Lunachick, as a two time cancer survivor (breast and thyroid) I can tell you unequivically... THERE IS LIFE AFTER CANCER!!! And I had a hysterectomy in 2007 and it was a breeze and I wish I had done it 10 years ago. You will do GREAT!!!!!! And that hystersister site is fabulous. You have to remember some things.. and I am a surgical nurse so I KNOW these things to be true... Laugher is the best medicine. Our mind has a tremendous effect on us physically.. try to stay positive. Try to find things to laugh about.... read funny books, insist that no one visit unless they have a funny card. etc... and know that this is only a blip in the road. You will be changed forever, but if you keep laughing you will be changed for the better and before you know it you will be offering words of advice to another dear woman who will be where you are now. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you want more detailed info or a shoulder to lean on.

I will be praying ernestly for you!! Hugs!

The responses from you all is amazing. Thank you so much.
This place has a large group of wonderful people. Like Chilling (Sara) I went here first to talk about it before my other family members got the news. You just feel comfortable here with the genuine support from good people from all over. I'm so glad I found BYC when I did.

grit - thanks for the hugs...I'll take them!

Krysstyll, Whispering & TerriLa - I joined that forum today. Thanks so much for the link. I couldn't use "Lunachick" someone else had it already! darn.

Well, I'm getting the cutting surgery, so I know it will be longer for me to heal and all that. I'd rather have them go in there and see everything and take out whatever they need to while they're in there. They're taking the uterus, cervix and tubes and ovaries. They can have them. I don't need them anymore anyway. And if they see lymph nodes that look threatening, they'll take some of them too. I don't want to go back for any surgeries, so take it all and be done with it.

Hey Sara! I was thinking of you the other day - I knew you had had "C" but wasn't sure what kind. I do appreciate your honesty. I already did the M, so I'm past all that. I hope you are doing well!

jeaucamom - HI Long time, no see! I'm not angry at all. Right now I have my sense of humour (so far) tomorrow, who knows? Thank you for the hug. And I just might PM you with a question or two. Thank you.
I'll keep you in my prayers, my friend. I have not personally dealt with cancer yet, but it runs high in my family, father died when i was 9, his whole family had some form... on my moms side too. Keep a joyful soul and shine on others. It will reflect back on you ten fold....
I also had the "open" hysterectomy" and 4 weeks later I was trekking through Mexico, literally... Never felt better. Not everyone recovers so fast, but you will do GREAT!!!! It is a blessing upon blessing that they caught it early. I think you will feel very relieved when it is all over and surprised at how well you do. And yes, please, don't hesitate to contact me

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