So the police came to my door yesterday....

Our complaining neighbor has grandchildren that go to school with DD. ***warning: evil content***. So, we started talking about the 20 hogs that were going to be delivered next week within listening distance of DD. And how we were going to put them in the left corner of the property (which just so happens to abut her property). And we mentioned that the 4 mules were coming the following week.

Sooooo. As children wasnt long before she was all up in arms about 'pig farming and mules'. She stewed in those juices for a couple of weeks until she figured out that there were no hogs of mules coming.

Evil huh? But it was sort of fun.
I seriously wasn't joking when I made my suggestion about getting all your neighbors involved in knocking on their door and greeting them cheerefully and happily every chance you get. We did it to a lady who complained and was a total pain in some apartments we lived in for a while, and it SCARED her. We were utterly cheerful, waved, smiled, stopped to talk, found out from the manager what her name was and greeted her by name, got the kids to wave and greet her too with SMILES and had them leave her flowers etc. She was totally paranoid because we were all so NICE! And that's absolutely all we did, we were NICE. It freaked her right out. After a while she relaxed, but it was so satisfying when she was freaked, then, when she relaxed it was still satisfying just in a different way because she became much less annoying.
ZooMummzy: I have known people like that throughout my life and it really baffles me as to how they can go through life like that. What happened in their lives to make them so cynical and mean? Everyone goes through rough times but my god why would anyone choose to blame the rest of the world for their problems? They seem to feel that life has delt them one bad hand after another and that it's everyone elses fault but their own. I HAD a very good friend who can't accept responsibility for his actions. His life is ruined because of everybody else, it's all their fault. He's 54 years old and resides in his mothers basement and drinks professionally. Can't hold a job as an electrician because of his drinking. We've talked many times about it but it always comes back to it's somebody elses fault. His family and friends have all given up on him, it's just sad! What a waste! Like your neighbors his time on this earth will be short and wasted. I have to wonder if just before they take their last breath will they have an epiphany and see how truly bad they messed up their lives and others. One can only hope! I don't like bad people. They SUCK!! I just feel so sorry for them being trapped in a never ending battle for inner peace. Go fishin today because you might not be here tomorrow.
I just don't get people like this though. My neighbor has the biggest newest house in our strip and there is never anyone there. No friends etc. not even on the holidays are there any visitors. And to boot he came to my door a few days ago to complain about the marching band practicing across the street.
When I didn't agree with him I could tell he was upset. I lived in the city and believe me the band practice is much better than the foul mouthed music we used to have to listen to.
Anyhow he has poles all along his property so no one can park in front of his place. and signs saying not to use his drive for a turnaround. Its really sad.
and his wife has cancer though I've never seen her.
I do understand the "overcome evil with good", I just don't know how to apply it.
This guy reminds me of my in-laws. Unfriendly and mean.

Oh and by the way I know I have a weird sense of humor but I never would retaliate with anything mean.
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I would go to all your other neigbors and see if they would write a letter stating that your rooster does not bother them and that they can not figure out why he was turned in for a noise ordinance. It would also be a good idea to include in the letters their distance from your house. Make sure you get neighbors to participate that live on both sides of the said complainers. Maybe even confront them about possibley writing a letter too. And give them an address to send it to. Like your police department. And a copy to you saying the same thing. That way you have a record of them. And when asking neighbors for letters, take along a copy of the ordinance..

Just a thought. Maybe you can get your rooster back..
I did this. I felt TERRIBLY guilty, but the culprit---who had been turning EVERYONE in---stopped.
I must be evil too because that's what I was thinking.

Nice to know that i'm not alone in my evilness..
Good luck with the neighbours!

On the one hand this is an example of the pain in the a#$ neighbour. On the other, this also reflects the way we have turned our towns and cities into collections of segregated, individual fortresses where we are not supposed to see let alone hear each other. When kids no longer play on the streets it is no wonder we come to fear and dislike one another -- and each other's poultry
. Good luck on the good fight.

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