So, we are going to get a couple chicks soon, and our local feed & seed store has Barnevelders, and Barred Rocks soon, which kind should I get?

yes but it would be nice if she or the other hen took them in. rirs can be very mothering if they are caught at the right time. if you really want a high chance of her mothering them i would wait till spring to introduce
A hen not broody might also kill chicks, or at least make their lives very difficult!
Oh also, side note. Since a bunch of our chickens got killed recently, like at least a month ago, our White Leghorn hasn't laid any eggs, which she has before. Might just be the shock. Also, would the RIR starting to lay eggs be delayed by that event as well? The RIR had to be nursed back to health by my older sister, one of her eyes was crusted shut and she sat down all the time. Now her eye is back open, and she can walk fine, she is looking decently healthy at the moment and now doesn't have to be watched 24/7.
I got Light Brahmas that were two weeks old the same day I bought my 3-day-old Australorps, Wyandottes, and California Whites.

I was a little concerned about the situation but quickly found that my little chicks would huddle under their "big sisters" and that the smallest chicks, the California Whites, would shove the big girls out of the way if they wanted to get to the feeder.

After a couple weeks the faster-developing breeds grew even with the Brahmas and after a month had actually surpassed them in development.

BUT, these were chicks newly purchased from the feed store on the same day so that they were all strangers, not a few chicks introduced into an established group.
Yeah, we've done stuff similar to that as well.
So on Feb 12 they also have white leghorns, golden laced wyandottes, and assorted long tails . (Barred Rocks) On Feb 26 they also have olive eggers, RIRs, and buff orphingtons. (Barnevelders) April 23: more assorted long tails, and speckled sussexes and straight run blue laced red wyandotte bantams (barred rock) July 9: naked necks. (barnevelders)

For egg production get the Feb 12 birds. Rocks and leghorns together will lay you a LOT of eggs.

For a colorful or fun group of birds do Feb26th. Olive eggers lay green and are fun, Buff Orpingtons are super friendly and decent layers, RIRs are sassy and good layers.
As temping as it is to pick based on color, and let's face it, we're all tempted, take the time to research each breed. Get a good idea of their temperament, size, heat or cold tolerance, known health issues, rate of egg laying, etc. Use that information to narrow down the varieties that work best for you, and THEN pick the prettiest ones. :D

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