So what did you cook today?

next time try to use the squash as the base for the sauce instead of a side's delicious to use spaghetti squash as a substitute for noodles in a "pasta" dish

Oh, Thank you! That's a great idea.
Lucky you for those spaghetti squash! Did you grow them? If you can make a little boat for them,,,,Take out the seeds and fluff up the spaghetti squash (Make a flag with a tooth pick and part of a piece of bread) I know it's corny but kids like it....)

Okay it was leftovers and getting ready for the "Big Cook" tomorrow..... Oh wait, I did make some Goat cheese this morning so that should count for cooking......Also made my first cup of homemade cocoa, with real goats milk, cocoa and just a touch of honey.....It tastes so much better than anything I've had before from anywhere!

Trying to decide if I have enough time to makes lasagne noodles tomorrow for the bananana squash lasagne dish on T day....

I'm afraid of the menu for T day,,,,it seems to brown and orange, must do something red or bright....Maybe candied apple rings...Hubby doesn't like cranberry very much and since no turkey this year, it's a challenge on color....I do not like monotony colored meals ....unless they are all chocolate colored:)

Found a lot of frozen bananas in the refrigerator today and may make some bananana muffins in the morning ....I love them as bananana pancakes..... I wonder if they would work for banana flambe?

Well, I think now I would like banana icecream with chocolate chunks in it!

Have a blessed and happy evening.............
Flounder dredged in buttermilk/jalepeno tossed in bread crumbs and "oven" fried, Sundried tomato & parmesan rissoto, & butternut squash tossed w thyme . . . with hard cider to drink and the movie tonight is "Fried Green Tomatos! . . . . dinner is in 15 minutes!
Love the movie....It was filmed in our State.....Eaten at the little cafe there.....I'd like to order that meal please....sounds great!

Y'all are all making me fearsomely starved!
well I decided to try the pan rolls from this site to make for Thanksgiving. Didn't work out so well.

They are good but too heavy, I think maybe my yeast is old???
Yeah..I tried these last week and they were too heavy..I know my yeast needs to be replaced,,which I am doing today..gonna do gump rolls tonight..they are no fail and will try the others over the weekend with fresh yeast.
Two 8 egg brocolli, cheese mushroom quiches and one just hot pepper 6 egg quiche. Egg overload, no customers for Thanksgiving week. I now have 8 different quiches in the freezer, 24 pickled eggs in the fridge and 1 dozen hard boiled eggs for devilled eggs. If you are what you eat???
so far a pecan pie, a pumpkin pie 2 cheese cakes and a keylime pie, gonna put on a kettle of green beans in a little bit. I have to go pick up oldest dd in a little while 2 hour drive

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