SO, What's everybody got in your incubators?


16 Years
Jan 12, 2007
Chebanse, Illinois
Lets see, I can't seem to shut my incubator off...I just keep putting more in.
Right now, I have some lakenvelders & welsummers due to hatch Friday. Some more lakenvelders & partridge silkies due to hatch 1/28. Some Bantam Salmon Favorelles due 1/30. And test eggs from Counselor5 due on 2/3.

That is'nt enough, so I bought some bantam cochin eggs and some more silkie eggs, and am bidding on 3 auctions on eggbid!

I am a hopeless hatching addict....

So, what are my fellow addicts up too?
I don't have anything in the bator, now, but I have week old OEGB's in the brooder. So I guess I jumped the gun a bit.

'What's in the bator' varies from week to week

Next hatch will be on the 19th --- 12 Naked Neck x Silkie cross eggs.
Then hatching again on the 27th --- 21 Naked Neck x Silkie cross eggs, 5 Ameraucana eggs, and a mottled Cochin egg.
Then again on 2/2 --- 3 mottled Cochin eggs and 3 Ameraucana eggs.

There are a couple dozen more under hens --- Naked Neck crosses, mottled Japanese, Silkies, and Ameraucana eggs.

Oh, and a broody Button Quail on 10 eggs

*snort* I'm trying to show some restraint, I've got 70+ chicks in the spare room in brooders

I have some nnXsilkies in the bator, I know some are developing I candled friday night and I could see those little peeps moving. Today is day 9. I don't know how the ones under Whynonna are doing but she is sitting like a good silkie should:) Grow peeps grow. These are from Lisa.
I have in the incubator assorted silkies and white crested chocolate polish bantams that are due Feburary 2 and 2 serama hens setting on 14 eggs due tomorrow.
I can't wait. I hope to get some speckled sussex and some dutch bantam eggs sometime this year. I've only had chickens since August but I'm having a ball with the ones I have now. I guess I have it in my blood since my parents had 500 laying hens when I was little.

OOOOOoooo White crested chocolate polish sound really cool. Ive never seen one, do you have any pictures?

Full of Welsummers from Ritter :) and two doz of Pecedescenda eggs from JPool and Mitchell and two more doz from Catalupa Farms for those Black/Blue Favs and Salmon Fav eggs. Man, I'm packing it in!

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