So....what's for dessert Thursday BESIDES pumpkin pie?

Ohhh, let the sweets be made! This is my favorite part of the bakeing....

Pumpkin bread
Banana nut bread
Pumpkin Pie
Apple pie
Chocolate cream pie ( for the little ones)
Chocolate chip cookies
"Sugar free" Chocolate chips cookies( with splenda white and brown sugar, and dark chocolae chips, for the diabetics in the family)
Russian Tea cakes ( some call them Mexican wedding cakes)
Peanut Brittle
edited to add...pumpkin cheesecake and strawberry cheese cake( from the " cheese cake factory" got them for 5$ each!)
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Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

I make pumpkin cheesecake, and my DH makes a killer Peanut Butter Pie for the youngun's.

peanut butter pie
my favorite, havent had it in years though, the lady at church that used to make it passed​
Deb - you really know how to put on a spread I would enjoy! I am a sugar addict. (I just finished a piece of pie. Earlier I had two pieces of tiramisu, a pastry, mint chocolate chip ice cream, and three nutty candy bars.)
Please share your cranberry pie recipe!

edited to add my desserts: pumpkin cheesecake, coconut cake, pecan pie, pumpkin gingerbread torte, and DD's Snickers pie.
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Pumpkin pie, chocolate cream pie, pecan pie. And Miss Prissys egg nog recipe, but with pumpkin flavoring..(still trying to decide how to do
Thursday --- pumpkin pie
Friday-------- Brownies
Saturday----Orange cake w/ cream chees frosting
Sunday------ Left-Overs

I could write a movie about 4 Thanksgivings.
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I made pumpkin and pecan, but also two custard pies. We had Thanksgiving last week because DH was headed overseas for work. My FIL is asking me to make more of those good custard pies now! LOL

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