So when we started this chicken stuff..we decided on 8

We started with two adult sex links.


One was sick and culled.


We bought 3, five week old, BOs.


A couple months later i went to a swap to pick up several chicks but got there later so no chicks...BUT someone was trying to get rid of a young buckeye rooster. I took him home (really really love him BTW!!)


A couple months ago i asked someone about collecting some eggs during a trip. They said sure but, unfortunately, they had no eggs when trip time came.


I spoke to a woman about some buckeyes she was selling on here. She had already sold them but directed me to a woman selling off her old flock of them. We talked and i mentioned i would need to wait till spring to build a bigger coop. She agreed to hold them until then (Thank you!!!). We pick them up in April.


I saw an page for Hodges Farms and went to their site. This is where i really go nuts. I ordered 8 buff sussex, 6 wheaten marans, 8 wheaten ameraucanas. Later, i noticed she was also selling coronation sussex so i had 2 of those added to my order. Shipping in April


I see that the woman holding the buckeyes for me is also selling welsummers. I contact her to see if she'll be selling chicks. She says yeah and that she might also be able to hatch out some blue ameraucanas and some OE's. I tell her that i'd like some of each. She says she'll see what she gets from the birds (Yay!!). I'll be collecting them with the buckeyes in April.


The other day we went into TSC to see the chicks. We had planned to get "a couple" and were told they had a minimum of 6 rule. My husband, who at this point is getting very nervous says lovingly, "I guess we can get 6." When i tell him i want to get 3 of the "reds" as well he says, lovingly of course, "No!" "But..." " No! We have too many birds coming" "But honey...there will be roosters" "And what exactly are you planning to do with those?!" "Ok, i won't get any." "Oh, alright, but just the three more."
He really is so many ways. We pick out our 6 "chipmunk" EEs and 3 "reds"


The next day we run into the feed store for layer mash and they have their chicks in. We go to look and i really have little intention of getting any. I am quite content with my little puffballs at home...but...they have these teeny little, all brown, EEs with chocolate brown legs and little muffs. I get two. Hubby says, "Aww, they are really nice looking little things."


So here we are building a much larger coop.

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I originally wanted 4. But then was prepared to order 25 and rehome some of them. I found somewhere where I didnt need to order 25, but they were so cheap I thought I should get extras incase some died or roosters. So I decided 8 would be good. But wanted more than two of each one, and liked 4 breeds. So then it became 10 and but I had to have an even number of all breeds, so I got 3 of each one, a total of 12. I didnt go TOO far off my original mark.

But I also have to go to TSC Tuesday.
We started out last May with 2 went to an auction got 6 more went to a farm got 6 more 5 ended up roos went back to the farm got 2 more both ended up boys rehomed all but 2 roos got 4 NN 1 boy rehomed the boy and 1 girl went to another farm got 5 1 boy rehomed ordered from 10 from Ideal 9 DOA the other died 2 days later. Went to another farm bought 6 1 boy rehomed and he threw in 3 silkie mixes 1 boy since rehomed those 3. Got DD 2 D'Anvers then I started hatching have hatched out so far 50 chicks have sold 33 of those, have 7 in the incubator and 6 duck eggs we also have 2 ducks and I hatched 2 duckling in February. Just ordered at our local feed store 1o buff bantam cochins and 5 salmon favorolles, so at present count I have 18 layers 2 roosters 5 bantams and 17 chicks not to mention the ones I ordered. Didnt tell DH about my order hope to have some of the chickes sold before the new ones arrive.
I told my wife we are only going to get 3, when we got to the farm, I changed my mind last second and told the guy we'll Take 6 of them !!!
and that where I will stop, only because I only have room for 6.
Now I have to go to TSC for Feed, but I'm holding back from going, because I know what will happen as soon as the kids see the chicks.
Here is the short version.

3 Black Cochins- 2 pullets 1 cockerel
1 Barred Rock pullet
3 American Patriot chicks- Maybe 1 boy and 2 girls, still a little early to tell for sure.
36 in the incubator.(24 EE, 8 Yokohama, 2 RIR and 2 Dark Brahma roo over Buff Cochin Hen)

All since the first week of January.

All I wanted was a few eggs!!!

Edit for spelling
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DH said I could have 6 layers max and I pushed for a roo and he said I could only have one if we could eat the babies so I took that as a go ahead to start my hatching addiction.

My pen has room for 60+ chickens easily.

Well I started with 0 and was seeking chickens when a friend gave me 10 chicks.

Then I found 2 super cheap incubators... You can see where this is going!
First hatch, 7 of 12 out. Had to cull one.

Set 12 for CNY, no live hatches. Then set 48 shipped eggs, nothing.

4th hatch 11/48 out, culled 3 so far.
Appears to have been poor parental nutrition.

5th hatch in lockdown. 10/48 eggs made it this far. They are from the same place as the CNY eggs and the ones I just hatched so I'll have to see how they go.

Current running total: 10 at 20 weeks (4 of them roos) 6 at 5 weeks (3 roos, 1 pullet, 2 ?
pullets) 8 at 3do, 10 eggs in lockdown. 24 + whatever hatches

Going to sell/eat most of the roos so really not that many... yet
but I want to buy more eggs...
and my girls will be laying soon...

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