So who feeds whole grains as opposed to processed feed?

I decided to feed organic whole grain chick starter and then layer formulas because of my wheat, rye, and barley allergy but also because mother nature doesn't use grain mill byproducts or crumble it for them. It may be ineffiecent money wise but it's worth it to me... I hope it works out well but I haven't tried it out yet because I don't have my chicks for another week I use a modified version of:
I get my feed from a local family owned mill. They grind all the grain and bag it and sell it in a small building in back of their house. The starter/grower is 21% and has worked well for me. The laying mash I think she told me was 18% but everything is natural and fresh and best of all it is less expensive than the big name brand feeds and I know what is in it. I don't know what they put in crumbles or pellets. I pay 8.25 for 50# of layer and 8.50 for 50# of starter/grower. I also buy ground corn 6.50 and wheat 7.00 and mix together for scratch. Even though my chickens are free range except at night I have grit and oyster shell for my layer at all times. For my chicks starter/grower and chick grit sprinkled like salt on their grain
I feed layers and my feed comes from a local farm that grows their own ingredients and mixes their own feed.They grind feed 2-3 times a week and use Fertrell nutri balancer in the feed also.
This is a very small operation,father and 2 sons, and he has a man come in to roast the soy beans on site.All the grains used are whole grain and he will not use genetically modified seed for his crops.

Is my feed better than the processed feed from a store? Well,I think so, but that is just my opinion.
Laying pets for know, may be small small scale commercial one day.

80% whole grains, they eat a small amount of processed organic mash. Also as chicks they got processed organic mash, until they were old enough to eat some sprouted grains.

Opinion or "factual" data.
Well I guess I have to say opinion. Sure would not want to get sued by the likes of monsanto for going against their "factual" data. Heck without processed feed we could not have eggs at Wal-mart for $0.97 a dozen.
I am unaware of any small scale organic producer that can compete with that!

thank you everyone for sharing your information, this link provided here by brite chicken contains a huge amount of resources, I found it very helpful in my quest to switch to whole grains.
Yes Greenerpastures is good. So is:

With the greenerpastures recipe you are going to be over $20 per 50lbs. With some of those "exotic"grains.

IMO in order to get balanced nutrition from a whole grain/seed food, you need to invest quite a bit of time on research and study on amino acids and nutritional aspects of different grains/seeds. It needs to be a "hobby" creating your own feed..

I fed mine their first whole grains today, they are out there going nuts for it, now I just have to work up a formula and figure out protien/amino acid balance . . . I just started with; whole oats, barley, hard wheat, and cracked corn.

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