So who feeds whole grains as opposed to processed feed?

The amino acids are at the core of "need to know information" . I still have lots and lots and lots! To learn................... Methionine, being tough to do with just grains. Sunflower has more than most seeds, hence the reason I use it. (Still plan on supplementing fish or meat.) Lysine, can be found in corn. Need to learn the rest in detail yet.
I wonder what the amino acid profile is for meal worms? I raise redworms. I have mild concerns about Gape, but I be sure to break the chain. No chicken poo in the worm bins.

Doodledo, Hmmm storing grains.. I am trying to figure out how to store a 1000 lbs of grains when the bears are awake. Right know some are in my basement others are in steel barrels in the garage. I am keeping thing like whole flax seed in the basement where it will stay cool. (Hot for us is 80F...) We live in a big ice box in northern Wisconsin!
Yes I have mixed old and new. Still feed organic commercial feed to chicks. I do not have a grinder, I feed whole grain. Whole grains store better than ground anyway.
Thanks ON, I might get some bins to store in my basement, good idea! A few more questions. On the kelp, is kelp flakes, ok? How about on some of the seeds hulled or unhulled? Oats, steel. regular, quick, toasted, or hulled? Some many decisions.
I would like to know more about the seaweed too! It sounds like some people hang up dried leaves. I just have a sack ground from the feedstore.

On the seeds and grains...Yep lots of decisions and choices.... That is the fun of being your own boss! Keep in mind natural whole grains that have not been machined store the best, and many folks contend have better nutrient profiles.

I have found recipies for chicken feed that call for ground kelp, but with that waste is a concern, along with knowing exactly how much they are actually eating with their food
Free choice is the way to go! The chickens will eat it as they need it. I have read about people who introduce their chickens to kelp when they are older, and the chickens eat much more at first because they have been derived of those minerals.
The amino acids are at the core of "need to know information" . I still have lots and lots and lots! To learn................... Methionine, being tough to do with just grains. Sunflower has more than most seeds, hence the reason I use it. (Still plan on supplementing fish or meat.) Lysine, can be found in corn. Need to learn the rest in detail yet.
I wonder what the amino acid profile is for meal worms? I raise redworms. I have mild concerns about Gape, but I be sure to break the chain. No chicken poo in the worm bins.

I agree with you but am puzzled about where to look to learn more. I don't want human/mammal needs, I want to learn about the needs of poultry.
As for gape worms, I thought those came from slugs?
We've been trying a lot of different organic commercial feeds (Purina? Organic?) before we realised that we could buy food from a farm in Oregon, Cascade Feed from Magill Ranch, through Azure Standard. We're excited to see how the chickens like the's made of pea, triticale, wheat, barley, crab meal, fish meal, and calc carbonate. The photos of it look great!
Hey all!

Well my 60/40 Organic field peas just came in! $26 per 50lbs, and a 24% protein value. They sprout fast, and the birds love them! Only negative is the price, so they are at 10% of my mix. I have not calculated the exact cost, but I am under $20 per 50lbs! Which was my goal for know.

Here is my current mix::::::::::::::: (The Black Oil Sunflower is the only non organic ingredient..)

6 part Black Oil Sunflower (17%P)
6 part Oats (12%P)
6 parts Hard Red Wheat (17%P)
3 part Field Peas (24%P)

3 part cracked Corn (9%P)
3 part whole Flax (34%P)
3 part Alfalfa (17%P)

.5 part Kelp
.125 Oyster shell (assume the 7/8ths part of these four as 1 part for simplicity)
.125 DE
.125 Azomite

For daily mash first 4 ingredients are mixed and sprouted. Last 7 ingredients are mixed and wetted for mash prior to mixing in with sprouts.

Proper ratio is as follows for daily serving..: 2+ parts sprouts to 1 part mash. (To be exact it is 9 7/8 parts mash to 21 parts sprouts..)

Above mix has ::: PROTIEN= 17% unsprouted. Higher when sprouted.

Supplementing with small amounts of venison or fish. (Just to be sure all my amino acids are covered.)

ON I am very impressed!
Where did you get your data for protein percentages?
Did you know Turnip GREENS have 20% protien, sounds lie a good forage to me. I would like to find out the protien content of Turnip SEEDS and can't seem to find that anywhere . . . any ideas?
Data is from many different places...Lions Grip, Alternative crop manual, human nutrition sites like Fit Day and good folks on BYC!

Turnip greens sound great! Those seeds are real tiny right?


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