*SOB* Kindergarten ALREADY?

What passes even quicker is the few hours that they are in school each day. I think with each year mine are in school, the 2:30 time rolls around faster and faster!
Oh, and I have a 1st grader and 8th grader...
* Hey, Hang on to your hats, o.k.. You got a ways to ride yet. My guys are mid-2O's, seems like they've finally quit with the "re-bounding" home and so, since I had help yesterday, I took to raking out (sometimes literally!!) their room. Talk about flashbacks!! Toys, clothes, schoolbooks, pics of old girlfriends, SHOES AND SHOES AND SHOES ( Geez! MORE shoes?!?) and all of itwith flashbacks for me. . . . Filled 12 bags full.
She's beautiful! I always cried my eyes out when I put my babies on the bus for the first time. I'm so relieved that I won't have to do that with my little DD. Thank heavens for homeschooling there! On a more serious note, you do know that you are allowed in the school whenever you want, right? I volunteered at my kids school so much once they were all in school, that they finally gave me a job! LOL! That way I knew first hand what was going on with my kids and I enjoyed helping the other children out also.
Poodles!! She is precious!!!!! You will live through it and the next thing you know you are sending them off to college...goes by sooooooo fast..cherish that heartache because it is sooo sweet compared to the one on the flip side when they are adults......and yes that Oblio Jr. is a piece of cute beefcake too!!!
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Gee, thanks for this post. Now all I can do is cry
I have been dealing with the emotion's of my baby starting k-4 this year. I have 4 kids and I have been at home with them all for 12 years. Now, I am home alone all day and this house is mighty quiet. I didn't realize that it was gonna hit me this hard, boy was I wrong. I am trying to look at the postive side of things. Now when one of my children have a field trip or a school function that I need to go on or to, I can go and not worry if my baby can go with me and who will keep her if she can't. I said that when they were all in school that I would be able to get this "messy" 'house back in order
Yeah right, I haven't managed to do a thing but sit around and play with chickens, and I have alote of free computer time now,lol.
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mine starts K next Tuesday! I am quite anxious about how the first day will go,,,,he is a bit of a nervous crier.....which then turns me into a nervous crier...and I have a lecture to teach as soon as I drop him off!
Ah Tiffanyh I am right there with you! School starts for me the same day it does for them! I got to put my baby on the bus to kindergarden, but wasn't the one who got her off. I wept all the way to school and thne looked at the bright shining faces of the teenagers sitting in front of me and nearly started up again! I knew each and every one of them was some one else's baby! Most of them are freshman and new to college.....

This is the first year both kids will be in school full day...

My umbilical cord is starting to hurt!

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