*SOB* Kindergarten ALREADY?

Well, she's got her head on straight, because I just showed her this picture, and her first words were, "What kind of chicken is he holding?"

Rudy is ADORABLE!!
Thank you all for the nice words, and STOP TALKING ABOUT COLLEGE! No, no, no, no, noooooooooooo!

Can't I make it stop? What if I put a rock on her head?

She loves school. She's been reading for over a year already, so kindergarten was welcome. It's a little odd getting notes back about how they're "learning the sounds that letters make," when your kid just finished reading "Little House In The Big Woods," but so far she's not complaining about being bored or anything. She can always work on numbers and learning to write her lower-case letters; those are areas where she needs work.

And yeah, she does have a good palate for a kid--she asked what was for lunch today, and I told her carrots and broccoli and pita with hummus, and she said, "That's the yummiest lunch EVER!" May THAT attitude last as long as possible!
I'm right there with ya...

My baby (last of the 4) just got on the school bus today for his first day of K-garten - they do staggered start here, so he went today rather than Monday with the rest of them.

My 3rd grader had him by the hand as they crossed the street to get on the bus and he never even looked back - he was totally non-plussed by the whole first day of school thing.

Ah, my baby off on the big school bus with his brothers. I'm gonna miss him today....he's been my buddy here with me ever since I left the office to work from home 2.5 yrs ago.
Or if she dates younger men, my 3 year old's interested. He likes the 'pretty girl on the puter'.
And he's got a love of chickens too...
You can never have enough.

Seriously, though. Congrats and sorry about the first day of kindergarten. They grow up WAY too fast.
Or if she dates younger men, my 3 year old's interested. He likes the 'pretty girl on the puter'.
And he's got a love of chickens too...
You can never have enough.

Seriously, though. Congrats and sorry about the first day of kindergarten. They grow up WAY too fast.

OMG, that video--my favorite part is the expression on his face when you say, "What are you doing?" and he all of a sudden gets all innocent and says, "Huh?"

I love seeing pics and hearing about everyone's kids. I feel much less alone in my silly blubbering now!
My babies are now 32, 29 and almost 27. I shed my fair share of tears for their firsts and last times as they grew up. My house was too quiet for a long time but now I've got grandbabies who keep me busy babysitting so there are rewards for your kids growing up.....we just have to wait on them to get here!!

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