Soda/Obesity Tax?

What do you think about the Soda/Obesity Tax?

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  • I'm against it.

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  • I don't drink sodas.

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Mojo Chick'n :

What is to stop them from taxing the "healthy food" if this goes through? Where will it end? I don't know, and I imagine even the ones pushing the bills through don't know - they'll probaby keep going as far as they can push it.

this is nothing more than punishing lifestyle choices because "someone else" knows what is best for you.


Here in NC the taxes on food (grocery items) are taxed at a lower rate than anything else.​
The cost per calorie
In a 2007 New York Times piece, Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore's Dilemma, writes that the difference (in price per calorie) between fruits and vegetables on one hand and processed food on the other has increased dramatically in the US. Between 1985 and 2000, fruit and vegetable prices in the US increased by about 40%, while the price of soft drinks dropped by 23%. These seem like large changes in relative prices. According to Pollan, the change in relative prices is in large part due to the US farm bill, which provides generous subsidies for corn and soy, which are prime ingredients in high-density “processed food.” Corn syrup, for example, is the primary ingredient in most soft drinks. The farm bill provides virtually no help to farmers growing fresh produce. If that is indeed the case, US government policy truly seems schizophrenic here – bemoaning and trying to combat obesity on one hand and indirectly encouraging it through the farm bill on the other hand. We might want to tax rather than subsidise junk food (Dubois 2007).

Found this article just a few minutes ago... I just think it's interesting, and you can see that this is not a new idea...
This will be just like raising the tax on cigarettes and alcohol. More children will go without warm coats, gloves, and boots. Most parents will not give up their vices and the kids suffer. NOT every parent, but in the school system i worked in, there was enough of it that made you think it was a problem.
None of this is about combating obesity anyway. It's about coming up with another excuse to increase taxes. ... but it's for a good cause! Think of your fat children! We'll give the money to schools!

Hand over your wallet. We'll give back whatever we don't need.
Can I quit Civilization altogether, Please?

I can understand, however, the sentiment behind those who cut themselves off from the rest of the world and become hermits or enclose themselves into their own little communities.

the entire argument is ridiculous in that it begins circular speculative arguments that come from the original argument. Much like a stone thrown into a pond - where will the rings end? and just because you cannot perceive them with the naked eye, does that mean they have stopped?

makes me want to declare my farm a seperate country. The Republic of Chickenville.

I think that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. I don't drink soda period but we do buy a little for our kids, none of which are even close to being overweight, and I WILL NOT be feeding artificial sweeteners to my children, which is what is in diet sodas! Crazy, stupid idea. I'd support raising the tax on cigarettes and alcohol instead... or at least something that isn't for children.
Michigan raised the taxes on Sugar so high that Lifesavers moved to Canada - yeah, like Michigan needs to lose more industry and jobs

seems like what may happen in other states/areas if this passes....

That's just stupid! Anything for the government to make an easy buck. Tax. Tax. Tax. Like they don't have more important stuff to worry about. Unbelievable!
Mojo Chick'n :

Can I quit Civilization altogether, Please?

I can understand, however, the sentiment behind those who cut themselves off from the rest of the world and become hermits or enclose themselves into their own little communities.

the entire argument is ridiculous in that it begins circular speculative arguments that come from the original argument. Much like a stone thrown into a pond - where will the rings end? and just because you cannot perceive them with the naked eye, does that mean they have stopped?

makes me want to declare my farm a seperate country. The Republic of Chickenville.


With Nifty as Master Hippie and Lady Jayne as Peace Maker. Who would PC be?​
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