soft shelled eggs and what looks like some of the yolk and membrane attached to the end of the egg o


5 Years
Jun 29, 2014

Hello everyone! I'm new the chicken raising!! I have been getting some soft shelled eggs for a week now a few a day( only have been getting some good eggs for a week now) , not sure what chicken it is I have 2 black sex links( All are 16 weeks old), 1 Dominique, 3 RIR's, 1 Barnvelder. I am feeding them pullet feed up in coop and oyster shell down below in the run, ( its just straight out of the bag) DO people mash it up more to be smaller pieces? And also is it better to mix it in with their feed? I am almost out of the Pullet feed and will buy a bag of layer feed here soon. This is probably the 4th or 5th soft shelled egg and looks like there have been some layed without a shell at all under the roosts since all I see is yolk in the mornings. And today was the weirdest egg yet a soft shelled one with like an umbilical cord attached to it??? it was opaque and yellow. Weird. IS this normal? Or should I get them on layer feed asap? Also they have a pretty large run we fenced in a piece of our backyard with lots of bushes and grass etc. that they like to hang out in and stay in the shade of the bushes. Any advice would be super thanks! Ill try to get a pic and post it.
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