Sold my hens, just to buy more

@Firewings - So good to have you! :welcome

So sorry to hear about not having success in the beginning, and not knowing what to do about an overload of eggs. But happy to see you've gotten back into chicken keeping, and I hope you can find helpful information by being a part of this great community. Check through our Articles and old forum posts, and if you can't find what you're looking for just ask!

As for an abundance of eggs, here's some personal suggestions. My husband loves pickled eggs, so I used to save them up about a dozen at a time, use a big pickle jar we had emptied out, and put them in the fridge. We know alot of folks who bake, including a family member who is always making cakes, so we used to just give them to her when we had a bunch. Other family members got a carton here and there as needed too. A big bunch of eggs is a good reason to bake, or try new recipes for supper and breakfast.

Best of luck in your flock!


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